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  1. P

    Iranian Vice Prez cancels Pak visit

    I've analysized Iran's foreign policy, they are putting themselves on road to suicide. I hope Rafsanjani comes into power in Iran. Hes the most sensible Iranian leader.
  2. P

    Iranian Vice Prez cancels Pak visit

    Maybe Darkinsky was being a little harsh, but lets be reasonable, Iran's foreign policy is illogical. I've talked to Iranians in Canada, and they don't like how the economy is going in Iran.
  3. P

    Regarding PEW survey, why can't Pakistanis decide once and for all?

    If modernity means wearing miniskirts, bikinis ,behaving like prostitutes, gay rights, allowing the teaching of Darwinism (monkey to man) in schools ,having banks that operate with interest. I'm against this kind of "modernity." If modernity means industrialization, building specialized...
  4. P

    Marriage: Christian girl jumps off building to escape family

    I know the forced conversion stories are complete lies. So much for them. As for the girl, she was being stupid, she should stand up for her beliefs. Her parents should accept that. If her family doesn't like her being Muslim or the country, the parents are free to get out.
  5. P

    Pakistan has the worst economy in Asia-Pacific region: Report

    Well we are engaged in a stupid war which shouldn't be our war, but we were dragged into it. Quite disgusting isn't it. But ofcourse no era last forever. USA needs to leave Afghanistan. Pakistanis and Afghanistanis want peace now. USA needs to get out of Afghanistan.
  6. P

    Japan tried to set up China and US for military showdown

    Yes that is true. Why do you think Vietnam is entertaining the US in Hanoi, even though the US bombed with them with nastiest of weapons in the Vietnam war. Isn't it obvious, its all about countering the Muslim world, China, and Russia.
  7. P

    Qatar and the UAE to buy US missile defence technology worth $7.6 billion

    From a political science perspective it would be better if Saudi Arabia and Qatar got their stuff from China and Russia. Anyways, the leaders of Saudi Arabia and Qatar know what they are doing. If you ask them, they will say they are doing what is in their best interests. Same with us...
  8. P

    Pakistan: The Real Swing State

    The Americans need to go home. They have done harm to the world. Just go home. No one wants American intervention in their houses. Let the people of Afghanistan decide what they want. Why try to help them, when they don't want outside help.
  9. P

    Sino-Japanese Rift is part of US is part of US strategy, says an ex diploma

    Good, I give the Chinese my moral support on the Diaoyu islands dispute. Take the land back that is rightfully yours. Idiotic people who wanted to to steal land back 117 should punished severely. Same with India, India needs to give land that doesn't belong to it such as Jammu and Kashmir, and...
  10. P

    Incredible India In Chinese Media

    India is actually crashing. What do you mean by incredible? people dance naked in bollywood. More poor than all of sub-saharan africa. How is India incredible? Its not.
  11. P

    Homosexuals of Pakistan

    Homosexuality is a savage and barbaric concept. It must not be allowed in Pakistan. If you want to be a cursed idiot, go somewhere else. Not in the "Land of the Pure." In Pakistan we won't give you the freedom to "gay" in public. These cursed people are worse than animals, because atleast...
  12. P

    Sino-Japanese Rift is part of US is part of US strategy, says an ex diploma

    Don't be ridiculous. Don't compare Pakistani-Indian relations with Chinese-Japanese relations. This is comparing apples to wooden chairs. They are completely different. The thing is China and Japan have many cultural similarities, although Chinese members say their relationship has...
  13. P

    Sino-Japanese Rift is part of US is part of US strategy, says an ex diploma

    True, True. USA won the Three World Wars, World War 1, World War 2, World War 3 (Cold War). USA did not suffer significantly from the 3 World Wars. USA did not suffer from colonialism. But America lost World War 4 (Global War on Terrorism). USA is still a strong country.
  14. P

    Sino-Japanese Rift is part of US is part of US strategy, says an ex diploma

    My apologies on my ignorance. I thought I heard that Shintaro Ishihara was not for America. Apparently I was wrong. I support Yukio Hatoyama. Yukio Hatoyama is a reasonable guy who knows what is doing. Japan improving it's relations with China is definitely the right thing to do. lol...
  15. P

    Time to take a firm stand on the Durand Line

    Don't worry, Pakistan's claims are legitimate. The only thing is that ignorant Indians is bark like dogs. When they are proven wrong then they stop barking. Thats how it usually works.
  16. P

    Time to take a firm stand on the Durand Line

    Ignorant Indians like KS are trying to show that the Durand Line Agreement has a time limit? LOL, is he that embarrassingly ignorant? There was no time limit when the Iron Amir signed the Durand agreement. The OIC and the UN sees no problem when Pakistan's KPK. Other Muslim countries see no...
  17. P

    6th SAARC speakers conference kicks off in Islamabad

    These Saarc conferences are so pointless. Its better if Pakistan and Afghanistan go into a Central Asian union with Central Asia. That would bear so much more fruit.
  18. P

    Sino-Japanese Rift is part of US is part of US strategy, says an ex diploma

    I support Japanese politicians like Yukio Hatoyama and Shintaro Ishihara. They are reasonable people who are for their country. Japan should have good relations with China. Soon, China is going to have a larger economy than the USA by 2017, the Islamic world deeply despises the USA. Even...
  19. P

    Japan’s population slide set to accelerate

    Well, it seems Japan is in the decline. Besides why would one want to immigrate to Japan? Japanese language isn't spoken by a lot of people. I wonder what the Japanese think of Muslims. I guess the Japanese don't think much. I don't think the Japanese are well acquainted with Muslims. What do...
  20. P

    The US Empire's changing face masks old ambitions

    USA should just mind their own business. Why they doing this to world? Why don't they help the world instead? Why don't solve the Palestinian conflict according to just and moral principles? WHY DOESN'T USA JUST DO THE RIGHT THING? Oh well, thats why USA is disliked so much. whatever...
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