Lhoba people 珞巴族
Restricted area, the McMahon Line is ahead
The McMahon Line is in the middle of the forest
Old bunkers from a war half century ago
A village high above the valley where the LOC lies
A medicine man often crosses the LOC without notice
Lhoba people 珞巴族
Lhoba women are expert weavers
So are their embroidery skills
Their weaving skills earned the a culture heritage designation in China
And good cash incomes too
She's considered one of the best
Because of their...
Lhoba people 珞巴族
Most Lhoba men are hunters
Women too sometimes
Young children expose to the hunting environment at early ages
Their dressing styles have been submitted for culture heritage designation
Lhoba people 珞巴族
Lhoba people 珞巴族, numbered about 4,000, are an official recognized ethnic group of China and also smallest in terms of numbers. The Lhoba are a designation of groups of people living in and around "Pemako", including Mainling...
Tartar people 塔塔尔族
A 116 year old is marrying a 52 year old woman
A couple enjoying their favorite organ
Two men hanging around the neighborhood
A family taking a break from music and enjoying a good sport game on TV
Men enjoying...
Tartar people 塔塔尔族
In 1995 the Chinese Tartar campaigned for a culture revitalization 撒班节 festival holiday and the event has been gaining supports every year since
Tartar people 塔塔尔族
The Volga Tatars, native to the Volga-Ural region, are the largest subgroup of the Tatars. They account for roughly six out of seven million Tatars worldwide. They are in turn subdivided into various subgroups, the largest being the Kazan...
Tartar people 塔塔尔族
A typical Tartar dwelling in the cities
Chinese Tartar mingle with other ethnic groups, including the Han
Tartar people 塔塔尔族
This is a traditional Tartar village although most Tartar live in major cities in western Xinjiang with other Chinese ethnic groups of this area
Some are farmers
Some are herders
Women do embroidery and other knitting works...
Tartar people 塔塔尔族
Tartar people 塔塔尔族 or the Chinese Tartar, numbered about 5,000, are an official recognized ethic group of China. The Chinese Tartars are mostly the descendents of Volga Tartar merchant traders who settled in...
Sorry about the post. It was simply a careless mistake on my part.
You or anybody else are welcomed to point out and correct any mistakes in proper formats. Thank You.
Derung people 独龙族
The biggest holiday of year for the Derung is 努瓦独路娃-杀牛舞 slaughter a cow dance for the New Year. All the villages have the same holiday and usually everyone is involve...