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  1. Nirvana

    Agni - IV test scheduled for Tuesday deferred

    No,it will be tested on Sept 21
  2. Nirvana

    Agni - IV test scheduled for Tuesday deferred

    A3,A4,A5 are some of DRDO's prime Developments,need to get them in service ASAP !!
  3. Nirvana

    Any questions Regarding India

    About the recent riots as i stated before,India is no place for traitors and those who support Illegal Migrants from a foreign country and spark riots,destroy public property and a National structure can go to hell ...as i said there is a better place for them in the Neighbourhood
  4. Nirvana

    Any questions Regarding India

    You don't have a clear defination of an Indian...Indian ? they are not Just Hindu's - Muslims,Christians,Sikhs,Parsis and Jews we are together called Indian ...and No one Hate Islam...we just have Problem with religious Fanatics [India is no place for them,they have a better place in the...
  5. Nirvana

    Any questions Regarding India

    Don't generalize,I Ignore such Hate mongering video's [Just because Abhijeet had a brawl with Amir doesn't mean he hates Muslims ] as i Made clear,those who act Anti-national are not tolerated...WE Love Peaceful People and Nationalist be of any religion
  6. Nirvana

    Any questions Regarding India

    Link me to any such post
  7. Nirvana

    Any questions Regarding India

    Indian Muslims = Indians and Vice versa
  8. Nirvana

    Any questions Regarding India

    FOR Muslims ?
  9. Nirvana

    Any questions Regarding India

    Indian Muslims are as much part of India as Hindus or Sikhs/Christian/Jew's/Parsis or any other Community !! As a state India do not tolerate traitors be of any religion,we have Many anti-national elements within us we Love ISI
  10. Nirvana

    Any questions Regarding India

    Bangladesh is a developing nation,we just have issue with them over Migrations - Nothing else What Jinnah Must have thought and dreamed for Pakistan is becoming a reality for Bangladesh,It has a bright future unless the Lunatics in there don't get too heavy and Yes - We Liberated Bangladesh...
  11. Nirvana

    Any questions Regarding India

    Kashmir [Jammu,Ladakh, and valley] is ours - Neither can Pakistan or even China dare to take it back with Military !! P-O-K is also our and so is Chinese Occupied Aksai Chin [But you guys can keep it] IMO I prefer Status quo on the whole Dispute
  12. Nirvana

    Any questions Regarding India

    I told you so,No Indian think about the British era anymore - It was just a bad Phase in History
  13. Nirvana

    Any questions Regarding India

    British India is no more,so no Indian think of that may be Pakistan is still stuck in British India
  14. Nirvana

    Any questions Regarding India

    I See Pakistan
  15. Nirvana

    Any questions Regarding India

    I see a great Nation with Rich History and culture
  16. Nirvana

    Any questions Regarding India

    there are hell lot of them in India - PARACOM MARCOS GARUD SFF NSG GHATAK COBRA
  17. Nirvana

    Any questions Regarding India

    Any question ???
  18. Nirvana

    Premadasa threatened war with India, says former envoy

    Is this the same Premdas after whom a stadium in Lanka is named ?
  19. Nirvana

    Aero India-2013 windows open for exhibitors

    Will Pak-Fa Be there ? :undecided:
  20. Nirvana

    India vs Pakistan: T20 World Cup 2012 Warm Up at Colombo

    :lol: !! but for once you people believed that it will be true :smokin:
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