Even if Pakistan annexes Afghanistan nothing will change. We will lose many soldiers fighting for something that we don't want. On the other hand annexing the border with Central Asian countries (Wakhan Corridor) will make sense if the Taliban do takeover. We can say we ........... wanted to...
Guys in this thread I have seen a lot of hostility towards the Afghans.
Let me just tell you about the Afghans I personally know about. I live in a small village on the outskirts of Sialkot. An Afghan family settled in nearly 6 or 7 years ago. They rented a house and started doing odd jobs...
I just got home after a quick shopping spree in the 8 Div and on the MP checkpost I saw this
The machine on the right is used to scan CNIC cards and keeps a record of the people entering the Cantt area. Have any of you guys seen this?
I think this might answer your question
A game is a game. It does not matter where it is made from. Anyway if you guys are going to compare graphics I think Crytek will give the other major companies a run for their money and its German.