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  1. Hello_10

    Russian and Indian, two Ruler Class/ Richest of Britain

    response from the Indian members is also low, are they also losing their interests from this topic :coffee:
  2. Hello_10

    The Coming American Civil War -- Igor Panarin

    U.S. National Debt Clock
  3. Hello_10

    The Coming American Civil War -- Igor Panarin

    December 5, 2012 WASHINGTON—President Barack Obama told about 105 chief executives of big companies Wednesday that higher-income Americans—including those in the audience—should face higher tax rates. :rofl: A few blocks away, Republicans huddled with small-business owners to...
  4. Hello_10

    Largest Emerging Economies, E7+Pakistan, growth prospects and challenges

    BRIC's Growth Rate for the last 3 years is as below, as reported by CIA Fact Book: :coffee: => Brazil:- 2.7% (2011 est.) 7.5% (2010 est.) -0.3% (2009 est.) https://www.cia.gov/library/publications/the-world-factbook/geos/br.html => Russia:- 4.3% (2011 est.) 4.3% (2010 est.)...
  5. Hello_10

    Pakistan faces 26/11 everyday: Mani Shankar Aiyar

    and I think these growing things would be kept in Calcutta only, and tackled properly before its may spread to rest of India.... one day I told you, you don't look like an Indian as you always try to find those reasons why something is wrong in India, while on the international platform, an...
  6. Hello_10

    Pakistan faces 26/11 everyday: Mani Shankar Aiyar

    'West Pakistan' was the best part of India before 1947, while right now it has more problems from those who claim themselves to be the 'Defenders' of Pakistan itself...... a majority believe that if India desn't face 26/11 type things so frequently then its mainly because Indians dont need these...
  7. Hello_10

    Eurozone crisis live: Unemployment rate hits new high of 11.1%

    Poverty returns to Europe by leaps and bounds The news about the economic situation in the EU reminds frontline reports. Head of Unilever in Western Europe, Ian Zeyderveld, from the pages of the Financial Times Deutschland said that poverty is returning to Europe. The main reason for the...
  8. Hello_10

    Rise of al-Qaeda backfired on the United States, Putin says

    ‘West’s policy of iron and blood doesn’t work’ 01 December, 2012 Advancing democracy abroad through "iron and blood" “doesn’t work”, said Russia’s Foreign minister, Sergey Lavrov. In his speech the diplomat slammed the West’s policy towards...
  9. Hello_10

    Rise of al-Qaeda backfired on the United States, Putin says

    Al-Qaeda now a US ally in Syria While we reflect on the 11th anniversary of the al Qaeda attacks on American soil, there is a blinding light that may obscure our view: this sworn enemy now fights hand in hand with the US against the Syrian regime. The historic State of the Union address by...
  10. Hello_10

    Eurozone crisis live: Unemployment rate hits new high of 11.1%

    i didn't get your reply, its looks like you haven't secured a professional job yet.... i fear but its less likely that you may even bring a girl from India in these tough circumstances of Europe+US, like the post#81 & #94 and as per the news as below..... so better you would keep fcuking here...
  11. Hello_10

    Largest Emerging Economies, E7+Pakistan, growth prospects and challenges

    BRIC's 'Annual' Growth Rate for Q1, Q2, Q3 of 2012: :coffee: => Brazil:- Q1: 0.8%, Q2: 0.5% and Q3: 0.9% Brazil GDP Annual Growth Rate => Russia:- Q1: 4.9%, Q2: 4.0%, Q3: 2.9% Russia GDP Annual Growth Rate => India:- Q1: 5.3%, Q2: 5.5%, Q3: 5.3% India GDP Annual Growth Rate => China:- Q1...
  12. Hello_10

    The Coming American Civil War -- Igor Panarin

    U.S. is nearing its debt ceiling again, Treasury Department warns The federal government will probably hit its $16.4-trillion borrowing limit by the end of the year, adding more urgency to efforts to avoid the fiscal cliff. October 31, 2012 WASHINGTON — The nation's debt ceiling once...
  13. Hello_10

    BRICs Share Of World Economy Up Four Times In 10 Years

    With $85 trillion, how India can become world's largest economy According to a study by US banking group Citi, India will be the world's largest economy within 39 years. Indian GDP in 2050, measured by purchasing power parity (PPP), will be $85.97 trillion. China, in second place, will have a...
  14. Hello_10

    Eurozone crisis live: Unemployment rate hits new high of 11.1%

    and the same is very true in your case also. as, if you dont have any professional degree from a reputed Western institute yet, then you would better live in europe until you are graduated. and hence, even if you haven't got any experience like post#81 yet, you have no choice other than to say...
  15. Hello_10

    Largest Emerging Economies, E7+Pakistan, growth prospects and challenges

    Russia makes huge investment An ambitious programme in Russia to remake or modernise the crumbling Soviet-era roads, railways, bridges and ports is under way. Between $60bn (£39bn) and $65bn (£42bn) is being invested each year on major renovation projects across the country – not that...
  16. Hello_10

    Eurozone crisis live: Unemployment rate hits new high of 11.1%

    first read the 'very true' story of Europe as in post#81, (and also post#63) and similar to other stories of this thread itself. and then check this true story of US as below too :wave: Escape from America
  17. Hello_10

    Rank Middle East Space Powers Please ...

    as per the report by Futron in post#18, China and Iran were the best performer in this field during last few years. and as this is a Western Ranking, so I would put Iran at least in their 3rd tier :cheers: :tup: but as this is the most recognized competitiveness report in the field of Space so...
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