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  1. kena

    1st Indian lesbian marriage ?

    This is why you get the Taliban. Guys like you, with your purely selfish, no-controls-allowed, philosophy have taken society to an extreme position. A laughable, every-man-a-law-unto-himself paradigm. So, as per Newton's third law, there is bound to be a violent reaction from those who don't...
  2. kena

    1st Indian lesbian marriage ?

    Stone age???? Societal control is stone age????:hitwall:I think fornicating like animals as you do in your country is stone age.
  3. kena

    1st Indian lesbian marriage ?

    Take care of your own country / society.. No need to preach to us.
  4. kena

    Indian forces shoot dead six protesters in Kashmir: police

    It is not so brazen. But there is a huge chance that the inquiry may conclude that the firing was justified as the mob turned violent...which may be partly true in any case.
  5. kena

    1st Indian lesbian marriage ?

    the pleasure is mine...:P
  6. kena

    Indian forces shoot dead six protesters in Kashmir: police

    This is not good. BSF should be more careful, especially during Ramzan. And shooting civilians is not defensible. I suspect the mob must have become violent and maybe the situation was getting out of hand. An impartial inquiry and punishment for culprits is warranted.
  7. kena

    1st Indian lesbian marriage ?

    Yes, a part of the Dharmashashtra. But Manu smriti does not become fully applicable just because the British found it the most accessible scripture for understanding and framing the Hindu personal laws. And if you suggest that it is to be followed in toto, then what about the specific provisions...
  8. kena

    1st Indian lesbian marriage ?

    I have no interest in checking up your Mumbo Jumbo on perverse matters. Manu Smriti is not a law book for Hindus in the Kaliyuga, so stop quoting from it and take your Xtist dirt propaganda elsewhere.
  9. kena

    Indian army kills man trapped in rubble after finding out he's Muslim

    IA does not operate on basis of fairy tale probabilities. Why should they first shoot all terrorists individually in a costly and time consuming battle if they can simply demolish the building and then pick out the survivors. It is very obvious that this is what they did in this particular case...
  10. kena

    1st Indian lesbian marriage ?

    What has Narada Smriti got to do with Hindu marriages???? Is it a core scripture which is used in solemnizing Hindu Marriages instead of yajur Vedic/ Rig Vedic mantras?? And the Sushruta Samhita???? Do you even know what you are talking about, or you have smoked Ganja and are now mumbling...
  11. kena

    1st Indian lesbian marriage ?

    Who are you to pronounce on Hinduism? Are you the Shankaracharya or even a learned Brahmin versed in scriptures. Who gave you the authority to opine that homosexuality is alright in Hinduism. And Sushruta Samhita??/:hitwall: Are you nuts??? Do you even know what it is all about??? And Narada...
  12. kena

    Indian army kills man trapped in rubble after finding out he's Muslim

    You didn't get it.:cuckoo: It only means that during the encounter the army would have spotted a few terrorists in the building one of which was bearded. They might have even identified him as the Commander of JeM. After the building collapsed and the terrorist is trapped under the rubble, a...
  13. kena

    Indian army kills man trapped in rubble after finding out he's Muslim

    Non state combatants are not covered under the rules of war. Ever heard of a terrorist being arrested after an encounter in any part of the world?
  14. kena

    1st Indian lesbian marriage ?

    Please keep your retarded mumbo jumbo and Abrahmic rantings to yourself and do not try to extrapolate your fake eurocentric theories to Hinduism about which it is apparent that your Abrahmic brain knows nothing about but is willing to slander to the utmost. There is no concept of the...
  15. kena

    1st Indian lesbian marriage ?

    In Hinduism, unlike in Islam, marriage is not a legal contract. It is the sacred union of a man and woman for pursuing Dharma, Kama, Artha and Moksha, No man made law is worth a sh*t in front of Vedic concepts of marriage. If a person does not wish to follow the Vedas, he has no business to call...
  16. kena

    1st Indian lesbian marriage ?

    What crap is this??:hitwall: Obviously Hinduism does not have a stand on lesbian "marriages" because they are not marriages at all either as per Hindu tradition or the Hindu Marriage Act. In fact, marriage is so universally understood to be a union of a man and woman that there was no need to...
  17. kena

    Truth about Gandhi dynasty

    Caught on hidden camera having sex with Anshuya Salwan, a senior advocate, in his chamber in the Supreme Court premises.
  18. kena

    India to deploy 50,000 additional troops along China border

    Andhra Pradesh???/ Brahmaputra??LOL... You seriously need to look at an atlas. And if you are talking about Arunachal Pradesh, read what I said before... 80% of Brahmaputra water is generated in Indian Himalayas. As for Indus, Kashmir may go powerless... But then you die of thirst...:rofl:
  19. kena

    India to deploy 50,000 additional troops along China border

    Not really. Only three major rivers arise in Tibet - The Yarlung Zangbo (Brahmaputra), The Mazhang Zangbu (Sun Kosi) and the Indus. Since Tibet has low rainfall, almost 80% of flow in these rivers is due to glacial melt and copious rainfall in the Indian Himalayas. Blocking of rivers may have...
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