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  1. kena

    Too Many Problems at Home, Sharif Govt Puts Kashmir on Backburner

    Not at all. Kashmir is an integral part of India. We know that time will take care of the problem..it already has, mostly.
  2. kena

    Five blasts inside Mahabodhi temple in Bihar's Bodhgaya district

    Any reason why I need to convince you. Its good enough for me that my countrymen are convinced. As for Khushfahmi - if you take out some time from trolling, read up some genetic studies for South Asia. The Harrappa Project is one such.
  3. kena

    Atleast 5 militants killed by Indian Army along LOC.

    When will Pakistan realize that the game is already over?
  4. kena

    Rajnath to spell out BJP’s Afghanistan policy

    Yes, generally there is a complete consensus on external issues. However, going by previous experience, BJP is more active in this area while Congress is a drifter.
  5. kena

    Namaste USA! Hindi Lessons a Hit Abroad

    Sanskrit is a beautiful language, though difficult I must say.
  6. kena

    Five blasts inside Mahabodhi temple in Bihar's Bodhgaya district

    I would have, but you are not the judge here so I wont waste my efforts. As for you genes, aapko khusfahami mubarak.
  7. kena

    Infiltration bid foiled along LoC in North Kashmir

    Kashmir is a game you can play until eternity but the match is already over. So keep sending your poor sods. Its all in a day's work.
  8. kena

    Five blasts inside Mahabodhi temple in Bihar's Bodhgaya district

    There is a lot of evidence, believe me. And not everyone is a Banya here or for that matter there is anything wrong in being a Banya. Your genes are the same though you may imagine otherwise.
  9. kena

    Rajnath to spell out BJP’s Afghanistan policy

    Sure. Kashmiris can apply for any country's citizenship. The land belongs to Bharatvarsha since times immemorial. We cant transfer land based on current preferences of some people. People change their minds too frequently and cannot be relied to take rational decisions.
  10. kena

    Onus on India to show commitment to Pakistan ties: Daily

    That trench is a great idea. We can cut down our cost of keeping army at LOC for preventing infiltrators. Let it be deep and with mines. We can even fund part of its cost.
  11. kena

    Indian suffers heart attack on flight; Pakistan allows emergency landing

    I think it is standard International Aviation Protocol.
  12. kena

    MODI cleared Ishrat Murder

    The murky world of intelligence and counter intelligence is like that. All details will never be known, and there is no point in trying to know them. It may be that Pillai was a double agent. Only fact we know now is that 3 out of 4 were certainly mixed up with terrorists and got their just...
  13. kena

    Namaste USA! Hindi Lessons a Hit Abroad

    Except some parts of TN, one can get by with Hindi in south India
  14. kena

    Bodh Gaya blasts: Digvijaya hints at Modi link, draws ridicule

    We need to give him at least 20 years for cleaning the Congress created mess. He is not a janitor who will come to clean up the place so that the Saheb log can reoccupy it.
  15. kena

    Rajnath to spell out BJP’s Afghanistan policy

    We may leave Afganistan overtly. But, we will improve our presence covertly. And you know how. I know Afghan history which is why I say so.
  16. kena

    Bodh Gaya blasts: Digvijaya hints at Modi link, draws ridicule

    Now he will think about it and come up with an answer in a couple of months. By the way I can think of 3 ways Pakistan may "benefit" 1. Validation of 2 nation theory - for them at least 2. Hindu regime in India fears allow army to buy more toys. Their relevance increases. 3. Try to coopt...
  17. kena

    Rajnath to spell out BJP’s Afghanistan policy

    What is the Taliban? Some kind of supermen? Its just a rag tag guerrilla army which has the advantage of terrain and its homeland. What can they do to India amongst hostile populace and territory? It is for you, with your Pushtoon population, to be scared of Taliban. We have nothing to fear...
  18. kena

    Bodh Gaya blasts: Digvijaya hints at Modi link, draws ridicule

    Hmm....do we have an angry young man here?
  19. kena

    Rajnath to spell out BJP’s Afghanistan policy

    I do not think this National Unity Government will last for long. Afganistan has no experience of this kind and its ethno-tribal split precludes any long term success of such experiment. Afganistan will be a permanent irritant to Pakistan. India's returns on Afganistan investment have been very...
  20. kena

    Bodh Gaya blasts: Digvijaya hints at Modi link, draws ridicule

    I hope you have not chalked up your seniority through thoughtless "knee jerk" comments. Does it need a forum to "know" about Pakistan?
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