of course i'm not trying to show the so called religious factions in a good light, they are equally responsible, but my point is that the Pakistani establishment is losing the war for hearts and minds due to its incompetence and failed policy, towing the line of nato and such. How is it that...
Well, the drones strikes have also played a big role in adding more fuel to the already blazing fire in this region, and shame on Pak government and army for staying silent and not doing anything to stop the murder of our own people.
Also, do check this thread out as well since the video...
Check this thread out:
Check this thread out:
Check this thread out:
Check this thread out:
Check this thread out:
Check this thread out:
Check this thread out:
Check this thread out:
Please watch the video:
VBS News - Taliban in Pakistan - YouTube
Simple: Where the government, Army and secular parties have failed the people (which they have done on a numerous...