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  1. Hassan_Ishtiaq

    Abdali : a hero or villian for Pakistani punjabis?

    So then where were you when Ghauri, Babur, Taimur, Abdali, etc invaded countless times and plundered your people?? Where were you when the British invaded? Oh, wait, you became British slaves. And when the Brits invaded you sikhs became willing man servants for the White man, how nice :lol:
  2. Hassan_Ishtiaq

    Berlin's little Vietnam reflects divided city

    We have enough nukes to send your little crap hole to hell and back again 5 times over. But tbh, your not even worth our spit let alone being nuked by us. Yaar, maza araha hai! :cheesy::lol:
  3. Hassan_Ishtiaq

    Berlin's little Vietnam reflects divided city

    This nincompoop Viet @ViXuyen thinks he/she must be blond haired and blue eyed to make a such derogatory remark as "brownies" against us Pakistanis. Talk about Asians trying to be White. :disagree: So what made you flee your "paradise" Vietnam??
  4. Hassan_Ishtiaq

    Berlin's little Vietnam reflects divided city

    Yeah, same how your little crap hole of a country had Napalm and Agent orange going off on a daily basis.
  5. Hassan_Ishtiaq

    Berlin's little Vietnam reflects divided city

    For a Vietnamese you have a lot of balls to be talking shit about Pakistan when your little Vietnam is nothing but a crap hole. Talking about Physics, Pakistan is a nuclear power. We developed our nukes when we were under American sanctions, let me know of your little Vietnam could achieve such...
  6. Hassan_Ishtiaq


    You watch yours before spurting bullsh!t you cant even back up with facts!! Your country is full of anti semetic nazi fans.
  7. Hassan_Ishtiaq


    But why? India isn't under threat. :coffee:
  8. Hassan_Ishtiaq


    Well, again, your argument is really retarded and sounds like something a 5 year old would write. "i hate so and so because they are retarded and their book is full of stupid ideas" that is what you sound like. Agreed the nazis were evil and committed crimes, but you need to come up with a...
  9. Hassan_Ishtiaq


    it is true that the nazis were evil and committed a lot of crimes, but your post is very retarded and out of argument.
  10. Hassan_Ishtiaq

    Qatar Army

    For parades.
  11. Hassan_Ishtiaq

    the real history from 1914 to 2014 a must listen for delusional arab lovers

    Germany never colonized the Muslim lands, Idk what this Scholar is talking about.
  12. Hassan_Ishtiaq

    Saudi Arabia expresses interest in JF-17 co-production with Pakistan.

    Could you post the link for that news?
  13. Hassan_Ishtiaq

    Hari Singh Nalwa:one of the best commanders ever

    No Sikhs didn't. And gee, i didn't know that at the battle of Panipat Abdali slaughtered a Muslim army, because last time i checked it was a hindu army (which ironically was oppressing sikhs). Perhaps in hindustan they teach you such contradictory bs, but in neutral history the truth can hardly...
  14. Hassan_Ishtiaq

    Hari Singh Nalwa:one of the best commanders ever

    Gee, i wonder where this "clan of warriors" were when Abdali was busy invading india and kicking some hindu butt. Or during the previous Islamic invasions, this "clan of warriors" was nowhere to be found, but then! Out of the blue!, when the Mughals were weak and in decline, and when the Afghans...
  15. Hassan_Ishtiaq

    Hari Singh Nalwa:one of the best commanders ever

    You don't have your own country, you are just a minority in Hindu majority india. Keep dreaming about your imaginary "empire" that never existed and never will exist.
  16. Hassan_Ishtiaq

    Hari Singh Nalwa:one of the best commanders ever

    What "sources"? You mean the ones you haven't provided. Anyway, a sikh being proud of British enslavement?? Wow, is that what you call sikh "pride"?? :rofl:
  17. Hassan_Ishtiaq

    Hari Singh Nalwa:one of the best commanders ever

    Lol, proud British slave. I think you meant sikh incompetence. Is that why the British lost all three Anglo-Afghan wars?? LMAO!!!
  18. Hassan_Ishtiaq

    Hari Singh Nalwa:one of the best commanders ever

    @vK_man Sikhs invaded Afghanistan under the British Flag and were slaughtered by Pashtun Tribes in three Anglo-Afghan wars. Sikhs became good canon fodder for the British. Today there is a Afghanistan, but there is no such thing as a country for Sikhs. Sikh Soldiers serving their British...
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