The thing about the Portuguese is that they are much more racist to Brazilians than we are to them. They think we are all criminals and Brazilian women are prostitutes. The media has created a negative image of Brazilian women all over the world.
All Portuguese women have moustaches. They are unattractive and their accent is ugly compared to the Brazilian accent. They are also stupid. At least, these are the most common stereotypes about the Portuguese in Brazil. :lol:
Brazilian diaspora is quite small for its population. Pakistani diaspora is much bigger. Why do you hate Brazilians so much?
They came mostly in the 19th and early 20th century. There are a lot of Haitian illegals and now Cuban doctors coming but it's not the same.
I don't know how people can remain so backward in such modern countries. I guess it's hard to shed the old customs and mentality but it seems that some groups assimilate better than others.