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  1. R

    ‘World’s largest democracy not the best of neighbours’

    Your post proves you are mentally retarded. Your post doesn't even make any sense. There is nothing "great" about Paganism. Pagans, worship animals, like pigs, rats, monkeys, elephants, penises (shiv linga) , idols of nude men and women. Anyone who does that is not "great" but out of his fcking...
  2. R

    ‘World’s largest democracy not the best of neighbours’

    Great more delusional propaganda against Pakistan this time. and more confession of love for Hitler,
  3. R

    ‘World’s largest democracy not the best of neighbours’

    It is pathetic to see how you defend your love for Hitler. But then again, you are an Indian after all. Someone commits genocide in India and runs for PM. That is typical India for you. Not to forget their delusional bull crap.
  4. R

    ‘World’s largest democracy not the best of neighbours’

    A guy who has a picture of Hitler in his display, and thinks of him as some kind of a role model. Is implying he is not delusional. Not to forget all the crap he posted earlier, and thinks the world should take his delusions as the "truth". Perhaps. Mental Asylum Forum would be better for you...
  5. R

    ‘World’s largest democracy not the best of neighbours’

    Part of Kashmir is an occupied territory by India. India have invaded Kashmir. Kashmiris reject this invasion and fight for their independence. Kashmir was never a part of India. It is not, and inshallah, never will be. Rest are Indian delusions.
  6. R

    Wagha Border Ceremony(Drama) should be stopped.

    My Question is. Why is an Indian getting butt hurt over display of nationalism, and think of it as an "aggression" ?
  7. R

    ‘World’s largest democracy not the best of neighbours’

    Indians are the Master Race of Fair and Lovely... LOL India is known as the Rape Capital of the World. In India, genocide is common. The guy who committed genocide of Muslims in gujjerat is running for PM in India. Is it any surprise that Indians find Hitler to be their role model? India...
  8. R

    ‘World’s largest democracy not the best of neighbours’

    Oh great. Delusional troll Indian gone full insane now. He seems to have lost it... Expect more substandard input from Indians... I remember, when I was new to this forum. I saw a thread about obsessive Indians trying to hold a PDF Indian members party in India...
  9. R

    ‘World’s largest democracy not the best of neighbours’

    That Indian was trying to be over smart by trying to correct your typo... Obsession with Pakistan seems to be his number one priority.
  10. R

    ‘World’s largest democracy not the best of neighbours’

    LOL. yet you are obsessed with Pakistan and are on a Pakistani forum...lol Who are you kidding? You people are obsessed with Pakistan and are delusional too.
  11. R

    ‘World’s largest democracy not the best of neighbours’

    This Indian's *** seems to be on fire... like always...
  12. R

    ‘World’s largest democracy not the best of neighbours’

    Sshhh... Indians don't like real history. They like their own fictional delusional pulled out from a bull's *** history.. Reality hurts their feelings, so they take comfort in their delusions...
  13. R

    ‘World’s largest democracy not the best of neighbours’

    Oh No!. Not the Mullah card, you retarded Indian...
  14. R

    ‘World’s largest democracy not the best of neighbours’

    It seems, these Kala Kola South Indians think they are Aryans I doubt you know what personal hygiene is.
  15. R

    ‘World’s largest democracy not the best of neighbours’

    Considering all the delusional crap you just posted in your previous posts. It is another delusional lie, as always. Indians have no credibility as people, because of their addiction to delusions.
  16. R

    ‘World’s largest democracy not the best of neighbours’

    You Indians are delusional. Your posts prove that. I can not believe you think , people should take your crap seriously. Oh wait. I can, since you people are fcking insane and out of your minds.. It just shows Indians hate reality and like to live in their delusions. It is a culture of...
  17. R

    ‘World’s largest democracy not the best of neighbours’

    LOL. Oh my God.... More delusional stories. You people need some serious mental help. You are not normal. You are seriously retarded..lol This @Friei Indien pulled some crap out of his bull's ***, and expects everyone to take it as the "truth". This proves Indians like to live in delusions...
  18. R

    ‘World’s largest democracy not the best of neighbours’

    India is the rape capital of the world, and the guy who committed genocide of Muslims in Gujjrat is running for the PM of India...lol Can we expect any less of a role model than hitler of these Indians? LOL. Also the Black South Indian Aryans..LOL!!! And is so funny, reading their fictional...
  19. R

    ‘World’s largest democracy not the best of neighbours’

    LOL More delusional bull crap from Indians... Is this bullsh1t you call "history" LOL Your posts just validate Indians are delusional to the point of being retarded... lol
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