Arming the AA is too risky of an idea , it’s bound to backfire on us at some point since they want territory in bd as well, why not arm some more prevalent insurgencies like the on in the Shan. The goal should be to destabilize them as much as possible and hopefully far away from our border
How many of these propeller aircraft could Bangladesh realistically make in the next 5 years? Also is it to unrealistic to hope for a jet trainer, I mean they did cite significant involvement from other large nations/ companies
I doubt Myanmar would do anything too stupid especially now , if they were to attempt to be aggressive against Bangladesh things can only turn out badly for them
Tbh I’d be happy if we could somehow manage to replicate and build something like the k-8w would be a move in the right direction , then we could maybe work with Turkey on the TFX
So is production going to start by 2021 or is it just going to be the full release of information about the program? Does anyone know how long they've been planning this?
According to defenseca the budget is closer to a whopping $7 Billion:
So seeing that the J10 is the likely replacement for the F7, how many are we gonna get . Considering the 1 billion dollar loan I’d say between 2-3 squadrons but that does not include any infrastructure . What are the odds we can get production lines and overhaul facilities by 2030?
Odds are we won’t have much of a choice , as @Arthur mentioned it is likely we will face retaliation from either side if we remain neutral or pick a side . Conflict in the Siliguri corridor will evidently involve us and it is up to the government what to do. As much as they would love to side...