بار بار جنگیں ہارنے کے باوجود یہ قوم ہمیشہ اپنی افواج کے ساتھ کھڑی رہی
آج جب قوم کا وقت آیا تو یہ فوج چوروں اور مافیاز کے ساتھ کھڑی ہو گئی
اس ملک کے ساتھ غداری عوام نے نہیں اس فوج نے کی ہے
حافظ کو نیند میں یہ خواب اتنا پسند آیا کہ اسے احتلام ہو گیا
If military surrenders now they'll be able to keep their business empire and continue their luxurious lives
Anymore blunder will result in losing everything
They'll have to survive on their salary only then
Turkish military was always taking stand and interfering for Ataturk's policy and vision
In the end they had some wisdom and decided not to go on a full scale war against people
Who's vision and policy our lumber one have been following?
And these mfs will kill thousands of civilians again to...
Buddy you need to learn how GenerL iftikhar's plane crashed and ayub luckily got the seat
How general musa got extensions
The how yahya overthrows the Ayub khan
Then how gull CGS Hassan sidelined yahya and then Gull hassan himself was sent home by bhutto to reward tikka khan.
How zia was blown...