I think an attack on the supreme court is justified along with a public hanging of traitors from Pmln , PPP and diesel co
Every single bhen***d is a traitor, they don't give a f*** about Pakistan
As opposed to the doctrine of strategic depth ? I can't say which is worse but we don't have a good alternative.
I don't think you have a good plan of your own or any military analyst out there for that matter. It's easy to criticize but difficult to suggest a better option.
Translation isn't enough. You can't translate 1400 years of material . Just as learning English is important for our worldly needs, learning Arabic is important for our religious needs. The Molvi class will be completely eradicated if the populace understands Arabic, it may even start a movement...
A closed border policy is difficult to enforce, you can't just build a big wall and not monitor the border. I don't think Pak army has the capacity to do so. We are f**ked thanks to afghandus, every single ethnicity there hates Pakistan. It doesn't matter if it's the Pashtun Taliban or the Tajik...
Reminds me of the emperor Heraclius who tried to reconcile two sects and ended up creating a new sect
You are the khwariji in disguise for declaring the four schools of Jurisprudence, which the 99% of the Sunni Muslims around the world follow as misguided sects.
Khawariji by definition...
The word for sect is firqa in Arabic, madhab stands for school of thought. They are not synonymous since the hadith which mentions 72 sects doesn't use the word "madhab" which was adopted later on in Islamic nomenclature to describe the different schools of Jurisprudence.
Jafari Fiqh in its...
TLP , a Rizvi dynasty
PPP, Bhutto dynasty
Pmln , Sharif dynasty
Pti - Meritocracy, faith discipline unity
Americans love extremists as long as they don't threaten their interests.
You realize TLP represents ( or has the same background as ) the brelwi section of population which is roughly 85% of the sunni Muslims in Pak.Deobandi is the second largest section afterwards and Taliban are their offshoots. But in reality, they share a similar hanafi ashari background.
Imran Khan will remain in power for the next 15 days and you don't need to be in power to file it. There's sufficient evidence to charge the opposition leaders with the act of treason.