This is the latest Russian propaganda nonsense.
Why Poland would need Western Ukraine with milions of Ukranians and a small polish minory? For Sports ? It`s relatively poor, it would require tons of Investmenets and would generate endless problems. It`s like Poland did not have any other...
NATO is not fighting. Serious help with arms started after couple of weeks, when everybody have seen, that Ukraine is serious about it`s defence.
Anyways why fight a war against Russia ? For sports ? What is interesting there ? Russia is anyways selling their Recources to the West and the...
Completly agree. Raw recources are not giving much of a value added to a complex product. The Value Added is mostly intelectual( BMW is one thing, look at software! )
Inflation is mostly due to Covid. The gas price in Europe was already getting expensive before the war in a very fishy way...
If you grid is designed for big powerstation, that have constant output then yes, it`s dificult. If you modernise the grid, then you can stabilise renewables sources( haundert of tausend of them(!) ) even with modernised Coal(!) Power stations, but Gas is better. Kinda this is how the Power grid...
Sure, they will. ofc Not so fast for transportation, but for electricy generation definitely, expecially in Europe. Renewable energy already covers > 20% of the EU Power generation and it`s growing.
The Dollar is not only backed by oil, but as well by US Financial, Technological and Soft Power. In the Future the fossil fuels will graduately become less important and this will be a Problem for Russia and some Countries in the Middle East. Actualy this war, will speed up the Green Revolution...
Russia, which is less than 2% of the world economy will cause the death of the Dollar ? I rather see, that the value of the USD is rather increasing, than decreasing lately.
Not really, what is saving ruble is positive balance of trade and capital controls. It means, Russia is selling a lot in USD / EUR( Oil, Gas) and exchanging it into Ruble, but not buying much USD / EUR with Ruble. Does not matter who is exchanging EUR/USD -> Ruble.
Does not matter, what they do. Russia has cut the delivery on Yamal already like 8 times during the last 20 years, and that is why Poland have build a Gas Terminal, more connections to Czechia, Germany and it`s finishing a pipeline to Norway. We can easily live without Russian Gas.
If they cut...