It needs a zone of unstability on the borders not to collapse/change internally. Biggest country in the world with all the natural recources, but still a declining population and a stagnated economy? Hmmm, Something does not work right here.
Actualy eastern ukraine historicaly more like since 1686:
Crimeria historicaly since 1783:
Anyway since 30 years it`s independend Ukraine.
Poles are not Russophobic. Everybody remembers here the 45 years of being in the Eastern Block and well, these were not good times
Too make the thinking simple:
1. Russia is a different civilisation, so not always compatible.
2. EU = high quality of life, Russia = low quality of live, even with...
This is science fiction.
Nobody in Poland wants to grab Western Ukraine. There is virtualy no Polish population there, and yeah, who is going to finance this ?
I would not be so sure here. This war can last for years. As long as Russia won`t change the government in Kiev in one way or another, this whole thing does not make sense for them.
Can Russia achieve this objective? 80% No.
He is still the Vicekanzler of Germany ;)
Anyway to be serious and work on numbers, taking into account this:
With north stream at 20%, why do need NS2, anyway?
Winters in Europe lately are hardly winters ( 5 degrees C+ )
This whole Gas "panic" will end up with Europe...
Actually the German Vicekanzler resposible for energy thinks otherwise:
The EU Gas storage for Winter is at 68% and it`s growing:
Yeah, there not like -20 regulary in Poland ( NATO Country ), I find it sometimes very refreshing. I`m not talking here about Skandinavia, which is even colder in Winter and this is an another story. Cold vs. NATO. Nope.
Russia just does not have the technical capabilities to open a second front againts a more powerful enemy. If they could take Kiev in March, this scenario would be realistic, now it`s science fiction.
China is on the other side of the world. Good luck there.
What is really happening in Europe, is that Russia is probably breaking this:
This is a pretty good development for Poland, for Russia not really ;)
Yeah, our Agent is doing his job ;)...