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  1. Tamerlane

    Gaza-Israel Conflict | October 2023

    This thread is so grim, with the Zionists slaughtering women and children and the enemies gloating in happiness. But Mehmed has defended us courageously from the pajeets, Zionists, neo-Nazis, and assorted enemies. He is the vanguard of Islam.
  2. Tamerlane

    Gaza-Israel Conflict | October 2023

    Using a combination of religious and secular knowledge I can say with a high level of certainty that within 50 years both Britain and Germany will be Muslim. The Quran predicts that Islam will supersede all other religions (61:9). In (5:54) it says that if Muslims don’t follow Islam then God...
  3. Tamerlane

    Gaza-Israel Conflict | October 2023

    There's a Jewish state in Russia, Jewish Autonomous Oblast, but they'll never go there. The real Jewish homeland already exists. It is the US. There should be an advocacy group to immediately issue US citizenship to all Israeli Jews on condition that they move there immediately. Israeli Jews...
  4. Tamerlane

    Gazwa e Hind !!!

    I study Islamic prophecies and I would say that we should not take the Ghazwa e Hind too seriously. There are three Hadith about it. Only one is saheeh (deemed genuine) and it says that the army that conquers India will be blessed and the army that helps Jesus will be helped. It does not...
  5. Tamerlane

    Gaza-Israel Conflict | October 2023

    Beny Karachun is absolutely right in saying that Israel can continue their killing as long as they like and there’s nothing that 2 billion Muslims can do about it. If they want to kill 100,000 then that’s how many they’ll kill. The reason that this can happen is because Muslims can’t get their...
  6. Tamerlane

    Gaza-Israel Conflict | October 2023

    Is there a link to a good site for prophecies that Iranians consider to be credible?
  7. Tamerlane

    Gazwa e Hind !!!

    There have been so many threads on PDF trying to prove that Pakistan is the real India and the ancestors of Pakistanis were the real Hindus. I must say, I’m convinced that Pakistan is the real Hind. Those people on the other side are Gangus. The Hadith says Ghazwa e Hind, not Ghazwa e Ganga...
  8. Tamerlane

    Gaza-Israel Conflict | October 2023

    It's a myth that Jews are wise. The Jews in the US have an average IQ about 110, that is 10 points above the US average. The Jews in Israel have an IQ if 92. Among all the Jews in the world their IQ would probably be 100, the average for people of European ancestry. They do have a higher than...
  9. Tamerlane

    Gaza-Israel Conflict | October 2023

    This guy is gloating over the killing of woman and children in Gaza. He sounds inhuman to me, and he represents the people of Israel very well. A whole nation gone totally insane.
  10. Tamerlane

    Gaza-Israel Conflict | October 2023

    Έχετε έναν περίεργο τρόπο να εκφράζετε την υποστήριξή σας. Δεν μπορώ να φανταστώ τι θα κάνεις σε έναν εχθρό.
  11. Tamerlane

    Gaza-Israel Conflict | October 2023

    Sramota me je pomisliti da su neki ljudi htjeli iskoristiti Bosanke. Nažalost, postoje milioni takozvanih muslimana koji nisu baš fini ljudi. Zato je muslimanski svijet u tako lošem stanju.
  12. Tamerlane

    Gaza-Israel Conflict | October 2023

    Shvaćate li da ovo svako može pročitati? Mislim da nije fer reći da su neki muslimani htjeli da bosanski muškarci umru da bi se oženili Bosankama. Sjećam se da su muslimani bili jednako nesretni kada su ubijani Bosanci kao i sada kada se ubijaju Palestinci.
  13. Tamerlane

    Gaza-Israel Conflict | October 2023

    Τι είναι τόσο δύσκολο για τα ελληνικά; Αν είσαι αξιοπρεπής άνθρωπος, όπως ισχυρίζεσαι, θα πρέπει να στηρίξεις την Παλαιστίνη.
  14. Tamerlane

    Gazwa e Hind !!!

    Yes. If you read Shah Naimatullah Wali’s prophecies, they say Pakistan will be occupied up to the River Indus and battles will take place at Attock. According to the prophecies some time in the future India will occupy Pakistani territory east of River Indus. Then Muslims from the west, like...
  15. Tamerlane

    Gaza-Israel Conflict | October 2023

    History books are full of stories of arrogant empires who thought they’ll rule forever but ended up disappearing into the dustbin of history. The Pharaohs, the Romans, the British. Now the Americans are enjoying their time under the sun, and like the others, think they will rule forever. In...
  16. Tamerlane

    Gaza-Israel Conflict | October 2023

    Dude, I’m not a kid and I don’t take kindly to disrespectful behavior, so please learn some manners. You sound like one of those retired army officers who think they’re very clever when in reality they’re duffers who’ve led Pakistan down the drain. I’ve met many of them. You said there’s no...
  17. Tamerlane

    Gaza-Israel Conflict | October 2023

    Two aircraft carriers got two people out. That’s one hostage per carrier. We need to send 200 more.
  18. Tamerlane

    Gaza-Israel Conflict | October 2023

    I’m not sure if you’re serious when saying that. It’s there in several Hadith collections, Bukhari, Muslim, Dawud etc. The only people who would not believe in the coming of Jesus (RA) would be those who don’t believe in the Hadith. Sahih Bukhari Narrated Abu Huraira: Allah's Apostle said...
  19. Tamerlane

    Gaza-Israel Conflict | October 2023

    It's an overused cliché to say "There are no sides in foreign policy, only interests." The reality is that countries hunt in packs, like the Anglo-Zionist pack of wolves consisting of Israel, US, UK, France etc. They're winning because their pack is more tightly coordinated than the scattered...
  20. Tamerlane

    Gaza-Israel Conflict | October 2023

    The following article will explain Russia's position. What it's saying is that Russia wants to balance its relations between Israel and the Islamic world. Israel has a large number of Russian Jews and Putin has a strong relationship with them. Russia also has a large Muslim population and good...
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