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  1. Nike

    Indonesia Economy Forum

    KKP: Udang masih jadi primadona permintaan global Minggu, 25 Oktober 2020 20:09 WIB...
  2. Nike

    Indonesia Defence Forum

    COE inspection to Indobatt, looking like 120 mm light weight mortar
  3. Nike

    Indian Models And Actresses

    Not that same, kinda look like Leoni or Natasha Wilona to me
  4. Nike

    Featured Azerbaijan Armenian War

    Look like Azeris starting to move up from aghdam
  5. Nike

    Indonesia Defence Forum

    Our Turkish friend will put it
  6. Nike

    Bangladesh Air Force

    There is much homework indeed
  7. Nike

    Featured Azerbaijan Armenian War

    Seems they are desperate enough to flying over Azeris Air Defense system Btw which combatant aircraft it is? I wish those are the taunted MINI AWACS our residen proud over it!!
  8. Nike

    Bangladesh resumes direct flights with 12 countries

    Biman should open direct fligts to Jakarta-Medan and Bali!!!
  9. Nike

    Bangladesh Air Force

    Countries like Singapore and South Korea both spend over 15 percentage to 35 percentage of their state budget toward military spending every years. The reason their country still able to thrive is their open minded economy policy and development with relaxation on Investment and easy to build...
  10. Nike

    Israel and Sudan to normalize relations

    Should be, but politically there is big hurdle to handle such issue at home. As long as the Israel and her allies can give our politician at highest leadership level a way out from such predicament we can normalize the relationship. If not it will be political suicide for any ruling regime.
  11. Nike

    Bangladesh Air Force

    Every sensible Nation should guard their wealth and citizens from any would be thief and invader. Failed to do so only bring disaster for the Nation as a whole. To do so you should arming yourselves and stand guard proudly. In modern era, to have modern Air Force is a must. To being able to...
  12. Nike

    Indonesia Defence Forum

    I prefer to trying to design and build it ourselves
  13. Nike

    Indonesia Defence Forum

  14. Nike

    Indonesia has a $412 billion plan to rebuild the country

    Pekerja menyelesaikan pemasangan rumput untuk lapangan latih di Kompleks Stadion Utama Jakarta International Stadium (JIS), Jakarta, Jumat (23/10/2020). Sebanyak dua lapangan latih JIS mulai dipasang rumput hibrid berstandar internasional pertama di Indonesia yang ditargetkan selesai...
  15. Nike

    Indonesia Economy Forum

    Petugas merakit mesin pompa air bantuan pemerintah yang telah menggunakan Bahan Bakar Gas (BBG) untuk diberikan kepada petani di Kebumen, Jawa Tengah, Jumat (23/10/2020). Pemerintah melalui Dirjen Migas Kementerian ESDM, PT. Pertamina, dan Komisi VII DPR RI, memberikan bantuan 400 paket konversi...
  16. Nike

    Featured Azerbaijan Armenian War

    If you feel the agony of being invaded and lost many people, you should put your selves at Azeris shoes, there is a million displaced from their homes and tens thousand being killed and starved from long journey during harsh winter. They just retake what is their
  17. Nike

    Featured Azerbaijan Armenian War

    Humanitarian Aids from Israel arrived in Azerbaijan
  18. Nike

    Indonesia Defence Forum

    Let them be US is in election Times, no candidate willing to score brownee points for their competitor freely. That's it. The only thing they can afford is to promote more trade and defense cooperation, acquire more Ally to contain China rise in the region and so on.
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