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  1. HitesH

    US to launch ‘Passport to India’ initiative

    US to launch ‘Passport to India’ initiative The United States plans to launch a ''Passport to India'' initiative that will partner business groups to bring more American students to India . While the US wants to see more Indian students at their universities, “we also like to see...
  2. HitesH

    Blast at Delhi High Court kills 11, injures 76

    no wonder what the fcuk else they can do apart from investing bloodshed :hitwall::hitwall: hail congress
  3. HitesH

    The Defence Industry sector is open up to 100% for Indian Private sector

    i dont know why people here blame govt so much for letting private sector join govt projects. public-private joint venture has been going on for a long time, its just not many people are aware of, mainly due to security reasons. being a part of IT sector, i can tell there is a lot of...
  4. HitesH

    16 feared dead as bus falls into river near Dehradun

    well no offense due but this aint the right place to post such topic
  5. HitesH

    Anna Hazare wins, Parliament passes resolution on Lokpal Bill

    time to celebrate guys dont feed troll
  6. HitesH

    Daring Rescue of American National by the Indian Air Force

    i believe a single task s been over credited ....:police:
  7. HitesH

    What are India's Anna Hazare protests all about?

    What are India's Anna Hazare protests all about? wonder whether hes asking or telling others.... telling would serve no purpose, we already know.. asking, dosent make any sense, a little google search would do...
  8. HitesH

    Pakistani businessman plans fast against corruption

    it may look a bit disheartening at first, but people need inspiration to get things started. Once people/society get ontrack, sensible leaders would soon popping up. At least have a start...
  9. HitesH

    Arab Spring Indian Style

    at least we are trying what pak has done so far...
  10. HitesH

    Bharat Electronics showcases $75 solar- powered Android tablet

    dont be hasty there are many flaws in it due to which u might change your mind of buying it....
  11. HitesH

    Indian Regional Navigational Satellite System> what advantages it offers?

    are u nuts or what......c'on man why would you want to compare pakistan's space capablity with that of india.....im not angry, i just feel so bad, immense bad for you even if any senior pak member saw this stupid post of yours, even he would feel sorry for you, but unfortunately will have no...
  12. HitesH

    Bharat Electronics showcases $75 solar- powered Android tablet

    the device is surprisingly good but how about releasing two versions of it, other being comparatively more expensive....say at around Rs5000. But having better processor, better RAM, and fairly good inbuilt data storage unit
  13. HitesH

    Bharat Electronics showcases $75 solar- powered Android tablet

    well i doubt that a single i3 would cost more than $75
  14. HitesH

    Bharat Electronics showcases $75 solar- powered Android tablet

    it says " will allow data storage through cloud based storage" does that mean it practically has no inbuilt data storage unit ? what about processor speed and RAM ?
  15. HitesH

    India can’t meditate when others are making nuclear weapons: Kalam

    dude nobody is in hurry they never said they would induct them in next few hours or weeks this is just an idea they have in mind and it will take good amount amount to time to actually get working.....so chilll...:pop: :coffee:
  16. HitesH

    India, US sign cyber shield deal

    Media seem to over enlighten everything most of the sites or email accounts that gets hacked are of no importance for either of them so when we hear news like ' hundreds of accounts/sites hacked ' .......they dont make much sense to me
  17. HitesH

    criticism of DRDO by PR Rao committee

    ISRO never ws privatised still its doing a pretty good job i wonder whats wrong with DRDO then.....
  18. HitesH

    ISRO to launch 2 more PSLV this year, GSAT-12 reaches geosynchronous orbit

    we have seen so many launches that now these satellite launches dont excite me any more.........shows the superiority of the organization.....good doing isro
  19. HitesH

    Hillary may push for fighter aircraft deal with India

    300 FGFA and 300 AMCA is a big number by the time they get worn out, technology will have changed so much that even F-35 would start looking not so useful , and there might be 6th gen fighters coming into pictures hence even i see no point in getting this deal done :smokin:
  20. HitesH

    Prahaar missile to be test-fired on July 21: Reports

    as we develop everything of our own, and you get ready made already tested stuff...:china:
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