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  1. C

    India moves to improve trade with Pakistan

    Well not through direct trade with Pakistan as Pakistan produces mostly the same things that India produces. India does need Pakistan for Transit trade purposes for markets in Central Asia + Iran and Middle East
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    Future of Afghanistan?

    Many Americans have felt the grunt of this war including me, but hey our Defense economy has been BOOMING :angry:
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    India moves to improve trade with Pakistan

    Yes true trade with Pakistan will not bring a lot of immediate growth, but it will create jobs In The northern areas of India, The punjab areas in INdia ( i dont know their names sorry ;P) and the province in Gujurat. This will also help some of the 400 million people below the poverty line in...
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    Pakistan-Iran-Turkey confederation

    Please lets not bring islam into this...... trade with iran has grown and it needs to grow a lot further. We seriously need to utilize their oil reserves and this can be done with the iran Pakistan pipeline. Hopefully when we become economically stable we will be able to fund this project. Once...
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    India moves to improve trade with Pakistan

    Good move hopefully trade will stop future wars ;P
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    Future of Afghanistan?

    The thing is that the pashtuns and hazaras+uzbek never really liked each other. When Afghanistan was created from the Durand Line, the areas near the North and West were more muslims from central asia or persian, and the pashtuns at that time took over the land. Therefore both ethnic groups had...
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    Future of Afghanistan?

    Unlike most Pakistanis I think the US invasion has been good for afghans in terms of development, and economically becoming more open, as the taliban regime had no friends internationally (except for pakistan ) that would aid the country. Now, because of the US, a system has been laid down, and...
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    Speculations grow about operation in North Waziristan

    Yea you ar right that extremist ideologies are the root for terror, but don't you think these so called "punjabi" terrorists would take these extremist ideologies straight to their enemy like The US forces in Afghanistan, and not their own people. That is why i believe that these militants are...
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    Speculations grow about operation in North Waziristan

    Do you really believe that there is a "punjabi taliban" i mean come on now
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    Gas imports: Pakistan to build offshore LNG terminal

    Will LNG be less cheaper than Thar coal; where they are turning lignite coal into gas
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    Speculations grow about operation in North Waziristan

    BRO i didnt do anything in SW why r u attacking me :disagree:
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    Masjids and use of Loud Speakers

    I agree with you completely there is a saying that the islam that pakistanis or rather south asians to be in general have created is completely ridiculous. Not that i'm against any maulvi saab, but a lot of our religious people dont even read the quran or any islamic book, they vaguely listen to...
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    Survey on Caliphate in Pakistan

    MAJORITY of these people believe for prosperity and are tired of such a pathetic government that they are looking at a last resort kind of governance that they will know the almighty is looking after and he WONT BE CORRUPT. Not that i believe we should go to shariah law or something i believe...
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    Speculations grow about operation in North Waziristan

    Sorry mate but we cant afford a war right now........... look at what south waziristan did to us... we should just ask for peace from these tribes and im sure they will abide.
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    Masjids and use of Loud Speakers

    If your looking at loud speakers in a negative way than i would say it has now become part of our culture:pakistan:. Therefore we shouldn't stop the aazam even if someone doesnt like the noise. Plus its written in the quran for everyone to listen to the aazan, and they will be judged for not...
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    Tajikistan offers to invest in Pakistani energy sector

    Constructing this dam will severely affect all the other central asians a lot. That is why i dont like what this government is doing, "if" they ever have any plans to solve the electricity problems in Pakistan they will only think short term and never look at the future. We should be...
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    Tajikistan offers to invest in Pakistani energy sector

    Instead of KARACHI which already has traffic they should use gwadar port which was supposed to be the port for the Central Asian Republics. The government should at-least ask them to assist in the road projects for gwadar :hitwall:
  18. C

    Gas imports: Pakistan to build offshore LNG terminal

    Hopefully they will construct the LNG terminal in Gwadar port
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