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  1. L

    J-20 opening it's weapon bays.

    i dare any india to post anything about LCA here.
  2. L

    China’s CNOOC to buy Nexen for $15.1-billion

    Canada is the biggest oil exporter to the USA, bigger than Saudi
  3. L

    New Chinese AEWC for carriers, the JZY-01

    Indians should be jealous about this. about the "imitating", the plane needs to do short takeoff, any designer with basic knowledge of aerodynamic will be able to come out with a similar tail design.
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    A Unique Way to Fire One of the World’s Deadliest Cannons

    ironicly, India is trying to land on the moon. learn to make some cannons first.
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    New Chinese AEWC for carriers, the JZY-01

    Chinese JZY-01 Prototype of Shipborne Airborne Early Warning and Control (AEW&C) Aircraft which will form the basis of an aircraft carrier capable AEW&C. JZY is Pinyin(Chinese Phonetics)short for Shipborne Airborne Early Warning and Control (AEW&C) Aircraft. The primary role of the...
  6. L

    Are we expecting a J20 with US stealth tech for China and PAF ??????

    so far, US accuses J20 for stealing tech, Russia does it too. ironically, South Korea accuses J-20 stealing the shape design from them, even their fighter is still a model which is 1 meter long
  7. L

    China will give drones to Pakistan

    that also means China will open sat channels to Pakistan too. UAV alone is useless, without satellite
  8. L

    J-20 and T-50, which is better?

    Russia invited China to join the T-50 program, but China refused. this pretty much answered the question.
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    Whole Sale Defence Deals: Pakistan and China

    in some Chinese forums, people are talking about Pakistan leasing a type-093 nuclear submarine too.
  10. L

    Sky Wars: Pakistan, India and China

    so China provides 50 fighters at a very low price is a BAD thing? so Pakistan-China friendship means pakistan getting free stuff? ask your friend to see if you can have his car, TV for free
  11. L

    China 'To Target 1,800 Missiles at Taiwan In 2012'

    give me fuking break. this is a military forum so dont post this nonsense. you dont target any missile unless it is about to be fired. maybe there are 1800 missiles, but those can be targeted to anywhere, such as India
  12. L

    China shall give 50 JF17 Thunder on emergency bases

    this will piss off India again. during a war, resupply is essential. when Pakistan needs planes, China can fulfill the request immediately, and Pakistan pilots can use them right away because it is the same plane. where will India get their resuply? Russia? lol
  13. L

    China needs to be transparent in defence issues: USA

    national defense is never transparent. that is why there are spies.
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