They are your indian TTp miltants dont make your slef look fool we all know who are those terrorist what they are up too caz pak army is about fiinsh your terrorist then your army start open fire at Loc to keep us bussy at border but we have inoff and strong army and we will crush your rates as...
:D:D:DLol but you are makin your self fool. Lol why dont you try your missiles on china who is indside indian lands at border.....or but when time come you ill see as you know who have better missile technology untill just have fun caz that time is't for you ill see soon
I dont give a shite about thoese shitheads lol if you are intrested you can watch and educate yourself too. Well you did't answer of my question that if TTps are muslim why were they bombing mosques its like if some one say hindu bombed their tampels and christian bombed churchs does it make...
Lol whats this nonsense first what ever this man is sayin its his point of view what you are sayin is loads of shite bro TTp people are not muslims if they were muslim why should they fight against muslim govts and people of paksitan they were blasting Bombs in mosques and in civilian socities...