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  1. Pak Jawaan

    What exactly is a "political worker" in pakistani politics ?

    I keep hearing news about "political workers" of ppp, mqm etc. Is political activity the primary job of these people or they have some other regular primary job and they only volunteer for political activities in their free time. Do they get paid for their "work" ?
  2. Pak Jawaan

    Is Anjem Choudary a neo-con funded Mullah ? From drunk playboy to extremist

    what do you guys think about this Anjem Choudary character ? He was a drunk playboy in his youth and he use to do drugs and screw every white chick around. There are pictures of his playboy years in the daily mail news website. Now this guy lives on public aid in England and is over the...
  3. Pak Jawaan

    Should the next Al-Khalid be based on Turkish Altay tank ?

    Hello guys, China has been helping us alot and we are thankful for them. :china: However, Chinese are 20 years behind western countries in military Technology. Our Al-khalid tanks are based on the outdated Chinese T-85 tank which itself is based on the Soviet T-72 Tanks. We all know how...
  4. Pak Jawaan

    Turkish Missile Programs

    I seriously think that Pakistan should get couple of samples of this product and test it with the Bakhtar Shikan on old tanks. I believe the Turks are getting very advance technology from Israel and Europe and their missles are better then our soviet based Bakhar Shikan. No wonder we had to...
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