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  1. C

    US attacks China!! a scenario

    Those are the disadvantages...but what China needs is a war to prove its military capabilities. It will certainly make China a more reputable country, which will help China in becoming a superpower.
  2. C

    China Successfully Launches Remote Sensing Satellite

    Donations are private transactions, how do you compare that to government taking your money. Donations, which means giving out of the free will, is very different from taking your money. You must be very selfish then. Valuing yourself above everything you love is excatly the reason that...
  3. C

    US attacks China!! a scenario

    Peaceful unification is what I and everyone else are hoping for. But I think if China wages war against Taiwan, there could be more advantages than just unification. If China manages to take over Taiwan with or without US interventions, China will certainly gain major influences over other...
  4. C

    China Successfully Launches Remote Sensing Satellite

    Building roads is far more important in the long run where as private consumption only satisfy your immediate needs in this case. Your arguement of general consensus of utility depends on who is making the decision to say that utility from private consumption exceeds utility from public...
  5. C

    Pakistan To Buy Chinese Plz45(hat)

    I thought you were suggesting that Pakistan should go for PLZ05. Now it makes sense.
  6. C

    Pakistan's Airborne Early Warning and Control Aircrafts

    F/A-22 is a lot better than EF-2000. Better stealth technology, engine, and avionics...too bad F/A-22 is so expensive.
  7. C

    Pakistan To Buy Chinese Plz45(hat)

    It is going to take a long time for Pakistan to get PLZ05...they may have only started batch production for China not long ago, so Pakistan will get them some time after China recieves them
  8. C

    China military jet crash kills 40

    they haven't annouced it yet, but its probably Y-8 or perhaps a KJ-2000
  9. C

    US attacks China!! a scenario

    Unless the United States is fighting to defend itself, it will never fight a war that has a possibility of losing, or at least bail out in the middle like TexasJohn said...there is not point for US to do so...
  10. C

    US attacks China!! a scenario

    So what, China is not afraid to go to war with US. But US is afraid to go to war with China...there is no way US can beat China in a war on Chinese soil. I hope you are not speaking for US because that would be a big loss for US.
  11. C

    China Successfully Launches Remote Sensing Satellite

    I was responding to riots, not revolution...they are two different things. Riots are very common is every country with large populations, it is just nature. A large group of angry people means riots, even in the United States. Mao didn't bribe the peasants to rise up, Mao was a peasant who...
  12. C

    U.S. Urges Russia To Reconsider Missile Sales to Iran

    here is a nice video on Tor-M1: [URL=" Tor-M1 might just cause enough problem in the air for US fighters if US ever plans to invade Iran. Might just be the reason why US is so worried about Iran defending its own airspace.
  13. C

    US attacks China!! a scenario

    Now think about what kind of impact the US will recieve if China destroys a CVBG force...with nearly a thousand SRBMs and several hundred modern stand off missiles, this is a very possible result. It is not very likely that US will directly support Taiwan's independence. Directly supporting...
  14. C

    China Successfully Launches Remote Sensing Satellite

    Money is the priority in China and uneducated farmers are very lazy...my relatives donated money to build roads for some rural community. The next time we visited them, we found out that they didn't finish building the road, instead, they just splitted the money among each other and kept...
  15. C

    CHINA- emerging Superpower

    It's gonna take a long time for India to be able to compete with China...and last time I checked, China's GDP grew by 9.9% in 2005 while Inida only grew by 8.1% in 2005, how is 8.1% greater than 9.9%? India's economy is still around $ 700 billion GDP while China is already $ 2.25 trillion...
  16. C

    Al Khalid Main Gun Target Range

    You do that, they should update their datas at least once in a few years...
  17. C

    Al Khalid Main Gun Target Range

    Or that PLA doesn't want to show off their newest MBT because of the same reason why they chose to not show off every single other new weapon...there goes you so "damned sure" arguement. I wasn't talking about WZC. Of course WZC is real, but i was referring to your posts that most of them...
  18. C

    Al Khalid Main Gun Target Range

    well no sh!t it's your post, that that is why it is so flawed.
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