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    China Reacts to Japanese Anti-Ship Missile Positioning

    Why conquer when a nation can trade and purchase resources? lol. We receive natural resources from our partners such as : Saudi Arabia, Qatar, Brunei, the United States, Russia, Indonesia, Brazil etc. No one invades states for resources anymore. ;) Well said.
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    China Reacts to Japanese Anti-Ship Missile Positioning

    The past was the past, and the catalyst for the military adventurism of Japan was due to our Military Government, whose desperate actions was fueled by the fears of limitation of natural resources , which Japan was dependent on -- vis a vis the United States. That is the past, we have evolved...
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    China Reacts to Japanese Anti-Ship Missile Positioning

    Not just that, Japan during the 1930's was ruled by a Military Government , democracy did not exist. In fact, those who contradicted the Military were usually executed , arrested. There was no such thing as freedom of the press, any news that could jeopardize the national morale was suppressed...
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    China Reacts to Japanese Anti-Ship Missile Positioning

    I hope you healed up then, buddy. I served in the JDS Chokai for most of my tour. Good to meet another veteran. See you around then @xudeen
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    Japan Economy Forum

    @xunzi , I've noticed that in all your responses , the tone of your message is either to instigate or to demean. For example, you repeat such phrases as "banana" and "LOL". Seriously, if you are trying to convey a rational point of view, try being respectful and not outright putting others...
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    China Reacts to Japanese Anti-Ship Missile Positioning

    JMSDF = Japan Maritime Self Defense Force.
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    China Reacts to Japanese Anti-Ship Missile Positioning

    I admit if a wee bit of my national pride came out. My apologies if i offended anyone here. All in the spirit of , albeit heated, military & defense discourse.
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    China Reacts to Japanese Anti-Ship Missile Positioning

    And all of the better reason why Japan is arming up and setting up Type 88, and Type 12 Anti Ship Missiles that will cover Senkaku Islands.
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    China Reacts to Japanese Anti-Ship Missile Positioning

    @cnleio As you already know our constitutional prerogative and already the national sentiment in Japan that is wary in military conflict, you have to also understand our resolution to preserve every inch of our sacred territory. Our Imperial past is where it belongs, in the past. Both allied...
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