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    Uighur Support Thread

    Well said, my friend.
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    Uighur Support Thread

    Almost like a clear case of bipolar disorder, in one phase you're defensive and trying to show sensitivity, then out of no where you errupt in derogatory anger. Seriously, go take your daily dose of sodium valproate, mate.
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    Uighur Support Thread

    I surely am not fabricating anything, but merely providing much needed constructive criticism to your blatant xenophobia and simmering racism.
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    What kind of car do you drive?

    Good !! ;)
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    Uighur Support Thread

    Your post only elucidates your total ignorance. Turkey is the 15th largest economy by GDP, and is part of the G20 group. Their economy is one of the robust in the European region, growing at a steady 8%. Their National GDP is at $1.4 Trillion, and their GDP per capita is 3 times as much as those...
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    Uighur Support Thread

    Just because some terrorist attacks have been committed by the hands of some ethnic minority does not mean everyone in that minority group should be labeled as a terrorist. There are over 10 million Uighyurs in Xinjiang, so by your logic, the actions of some 10-20 terrorists gives credence to...
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    Philippines: President Benigno Aquino to meet Japan’s Abe

    Wonderful to hear the speech of President Aquino III ! See, the Philippines is an example of how two nations who were once at war with each other some 70 years ago -- are now capable of putting differences aside and working with each other. I hope there will always be continued positive...
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    China Economy Forum

    Nonsense, your very post is hypocritical, considering you're personally attacking me simply because of my national origin. Please read. I know that true Chinese that I've come to admire are not as closed minded as you.
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    Uighur Support Thread

    Thanks for the link @atatwolf !
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    What kind of car do you drive?

    Good gas economy, eh?
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    Japan Support thread

    And you have the authority to make such a blatant judgment on all of Japan, and the entire 130,000,000 people that belong to the Japanese Race? :cheers: Well said, Shering-Senpai!
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    China, Vietnam back new Thai military government after West's disavowal

    Yes, the Khmer language contributed a lot to Thai language, and even the court dances of Angkor are very similar to the court dances of the Ayudhaya Period. :)
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    'Allah' for Muslims only: Malaysia's top court

    But, my friend, whether a Christian or Jew calls The Almighty as "Adonnai , Abba, Lord, Lord My God, Jesus Christ", it is the same when a Muslim utters the Bismillah. When a Christian praises God, or when a Jew prays to Adonnai , it is the same Lord of Lords that our muslim brother prays to and...
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    'Allah' for Muslims only: Malaysia's top court

    True. In fact, why have fear in knowing that one is going to a church, mosque, temple? For me, i am a Christian, but I am not closed to the idea of going to Hindu temples, Jain Temples, Jewish Temples, Mosques if my friends invite me. In fact, some of my close friends are Muslims and have...
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    'Allah' for Muslims only: Malaysia's top court

    My concern is the fact that Malaysia has a very eclectic religious life; some 60% of the people belong Islam, but another 20% are Buddhists, and another 10% are also Christians, and another 6% are Hindus . I can think of many reasons why some preachers , priests, gurus might convey a message of...
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    'Allah' for Muslims only: Malaysia's top court

    Blind zealotry should be refrained from, the Compassion and Mercy of the Almighty alone belongs to Him. Be a person a Muslim, a Christian, a Jew, or any other faith,...religion is a guide for man to know and develop a personal relationship with The Almighty. I would not be surprised that those...
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    'Allah' for Muslims only: Malaysia's top court

    @Developereo , @dexter , @Jaanbaz, @gambit "And argue not with the People of the Scripture unless it be in (a way) that is better, save with such of them as do wrong; and say: We believe in that which hath been revealed unto us and revealed unto you; our God and your God is One, and unto Him we...
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    'Allah' for Muslims only: Malaysia's top court

    Not all Christian missionaries use deceptive tactics, actually. For those who are guided by the Spirit of God, the man will naturally go to where Truth beckons him.
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