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  1. A

    Can Japan show the West how to live peacefully with Islam?

    You're kidding me right? We've been handing issues of illegal immigration , my friend, and the number has exceeded in the tens of thousands. Given, we are not dealing with millions of illegal immigration as the United States is with Latinos crossing the porous border -- per annum. I suggest...
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    Can Japan show the West how to live peacefully with Islam?

    That link reflects a paper that was written in 2002 with data samples that was collected from Hezbollah during the 1980s and 1990s. So much has happened in the past 10 years, namely War on Terror. It would be better to develop new data sampling and a thorough multivariate statistical analysis...
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    Can Japan show the West how to live peacefully with Islam?

    You know very well that in pure monarchies, civil liberties are not afforded or may even be considered secondary , whereas a more representative government in the case of a Constitutional Monarchy or a Republic places more emphasis on civil liberties. I will not deny that there are civil rights...
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    Can Japan show the West how to live peacefully with Islam?

    Why is it not correct? Have you seen the abject poverty peoples in Palestine are placed in? Radicalization is an effect. Please provide me a refute and citation to support your claim.
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    Can Japan show the West how to live peacefully with Islam?

    For one, there were no personal remarks on my part, my retort to you was based on your erroneous assumption that a muslim-majority nation will become radicalized. I find fault in that assumption because there are many countries with a muslim-majority that takes an enlightened and democratic...
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    Can Japan show the West how to live peacefully with Islam?

    I do look forward to your analysis, findings et al.
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    Can Japan show the West how to live peacefully with Islam?

    @xudeen , In its basic form, all religions whether they be Mahayana Buddhism, Thervada Buddhism, Sikhism, Islam, Roman Catholicism, Orthodoxy, Protestantism, Conservative Judaism, Reformed Judaism, and even Hinduism has a dogma. The definiton of dogma is is a principle or set of principles laid...
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    Can Japan show the West how to live peacefully with Islam?

    Come now, one example of vandalism doesn't equate to terrorism. One Saudi graduate student does not represent the some 180,000 muslims in Japan. Let's be objective , shall we? He didn't bomb anyone or kill anyone. He has been apprehended and will subsequently pay for his crimes. Done.
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    Can Japan show the West how to live peacefully with Islam?

    I would like to infer the Maslowian Heirarchy of Needs: The most basic is the physiological needs, then if that is met, there is the safety need, then the love/belong need, the esteem need, and the self-actualization need. Human beings base satisfaction if these needs are satisfied and...
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    Can Japan show the West how to live peacefully with Islam?

    Just because China cannot control its minorities , due to the harsh reprisals of the Beijing Government, as seen in the radicalization of Chinese Uighyurs in Xinjiang and other provinces, doesn't mean that the same will happen in Japan. The ethnic minorities that live in Japan are not persecuted...
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    Can Japan show the West how to live peacefully with Islam?

    Why should it change? The muslims that live in Japan are successful and highly intelligent , educated peoples. They are not jobless refugees who can be easily influenced by radicalization. In fact, in Japan, the muslims are welcomed and appreciated and not sidelined as second class citizens...
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    Can Japan show the West how to live peacefully with Islam?

    First of all, your source is from wordpress , a blog site and not a credible journal article. Second, there are over 100,000 muslims in Japan, not 10,000. Furthermore in 2000 Keiko Sakurai had estimated the number of ethnic Japanese Muslims in Japan at 63,552, and around 70,000 - 100,000 foreign...
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    Can Japan show the West how to live peacefully with Islam?

    So, by your logic, the shear fact that we have over 100,000 Muslims in Japan doesn't meant jack squat because the west has more, has more negative experiences and this their point of view trumps the objective analysis of the Japanese. Sorry my friend , but I cannot think in such simplistic...
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    Can Japan show the West how to live peacefully with Islam?

    Thank you for that very profound post, brother.
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    Can Japan show the West how to live peacefully with Islam?

    LOL!! :lol::lol: Well said, and let's not talk about history with Chinese and Koreans, I really don't want this thread digressing into atrocities of Nanjing etc etc etc. Because if we talk about it, ...they will come. Thanks bro.
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    Can Japan show the West how to live peacefully with Islam?

    You're not too bad yourself, mate.
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    Can Japan show the West how to live peacefully with Islam?

    I am being realistic. Nagaland's population is 90% CHRISTIAN. Clearly it must not be a problem since almost the entire population have embraced the Christian faith.
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    Can Japan show the West how to live peacefully with Islam?

    Guys, come now, let's stick in the topic, okay? Please and Thank You.
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    Can Japan show the West how to live peacefully with Islam?

    The Ainu in Japan have been...as what the Borg would say, "Assimilated" lol. They're verily much part of our northern Japanese DNA. :lol: Its like mixing lasagna with chicken Milanese...LOL
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