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  1. Noxchi

    Davutoglu to announce Turkey's 'Karabakh conditions' in Yerevan

    Bu arada yanlış anlamayın Ermenileri korudum yok lâkin Azerbeycan aman aman bir dost ülke değil Türkiye için.
  2. Noxchi

    Davutoglu to announce Turkey's 'Karabakh conditions' in Yerevan

    O dost dediniz Azerbeycan bu güne kadar Türkiye'ye ne faydalar sağladı? Sovyetlerden beri Rusların götlerini yalamaktan ve İsrail uşaklığı yapmaktan başka birşey bildikleri yok.
  3. Noxchi

    Should we fear the growth of Chinese telecoms company Huawei?

    It's a good phone and has entered many markets in the last few years I'm not surprised Huawaei is doing so well.
  4. Noxchi

    Saudi Arabia in Pictures

    One of the most beautiful countries in my opinion. I would love to visit Saudi Arabia as a tourist and Muslim Pilgrim, a very clean and modern rich nation. I can see why so many Saudis choose to stay in their own country as for the ones I have seen abroad they are very rich respectable...
  5. Noxchi

    Mustefa Kemal Ataturk: The greatest Muslim general of the 20th centuary?

    We both know he is not a secularist and the reason why he has mentioned he is "secularist" a couple times in the past. Yes I am Chechen.
  6. Noxchi

    Mustefa Kemal Ataturk: The greatest Muslim general of the 20th centuary?

    My vote goes to Mr. Tayyip Erdoğan and his Ak Party again in the upcoming 2014 elections.
  7. Noxchi

    Mustefa Kemal Ataturk: The greatest Muslim general of the 20th centuary?

    In my opinion Mustafa Kemal ruined Turkey and made Turks drift towards the West destroying Turkish image in the Islamic world. Turks once upon a time were one of the fiercest warriors of Islam have now become secular wanna be westerners. And there is nothing Islamic about Kemal Ataturk, he did...
  8. Noxchi

    Iran, Turkey Seeking to Increase Trade Ties to $100bln

    You obviously don't know anything about Tayyip Erdoğan.
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