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  1. Noxchi

    Turkish Tea House

    Yes we've waited so long for Turks to liberate the Caucasus since Ottoman times but sadly no result. :(
  2. Noxchi

    Armenia has to respect Azerbaijan’s territorial integrity - Davutoglu

    Indo-European is just linguistic that doesn't mean Armenians and Iranians are related. Genetic tests have shown Azerbaijanis cluster with Iranians. In other words Azerbaijanis are more closer related to Iranians than Armenians. But Armenians and Azeris aside if you want a real ally in the...
  3. Noxchi

    Turkish Tea House

    Sorry bro I was off my computer :) Well what do you want to know about Chechen conflict? It has lasted for centuries ever since Russian imperialist pigs entered the Caucasus so it is quite a long story. However I can say the conflict is nearly over their are very few rebels left, Kadyrov -the...
  4. Noxchi

    Armenia has to respect Azerbaijan’s territorial integrity - Davutoglu

    Why is that Iranians favor Armenians so much? Armenians aren't even an Iranic people so they aren't genetically close to Iranians and they are not Muslims either only similarity Armenians have is that they speak an Indo-European language and have been close allies to Iranians for many years...
  5. Noxchi

    Armenia has to respect Azerbaijan’s territorial integrity - Davutoglu

    I use that signature to separate Caucasus from Russia. So what ethnicity are you/ where are you from?
  6. Noxchi

    Turkish Tea House

    Can you please explain the situation in Kashmir what is going on there? To be honest I don't know to much about the area from what I know is the Kasmiris are struggling for freedom against oppression by Hindus correct?
  7. Noxchi

    Turkish Tea House

    All peoples of the Caucasus usually come to Turkey and live there. Ottomans allowed Caucasian peoples to seek shelter in Turkey. There are about 100,000 - 300,000 Chechens living in Turkey and over a million of Cherkez people (Circassians other Kafkas people ) By the way I love Kashmir I hope...
  8. Noxchi

    Turkish Tea House

    Yes I am :) What about you? Are you Kashmiri or what? Congratulations to FC Galatasaray (lol jk Galatasaray SK) for beating juventus and qualifying for second round of champions league again in a row! GSli değilim ama Türk futbolu için iyi puan topluyoruz :D
  9. Noxchi

    Turkish Tea House

    Oraya çok sayıda Arap mültecisi gitmiş onlarla karıştırıyor herhalde
  10. Noxchi

    Turkish Tea House

    Aynen xenonun dedi gibi Araplara göre tüm Müslüman alemi Arap soyu taşıyor. Adamlar zaten Kuzey Afrika'yı tamamen Araplaştırmışlar halbuki orada sadece Araplar değil Berberiler ve Türkler yaşıyor. Bunlara he deyip geçeceksin işte :)
  11. Noxchi

    Turkish Tea House

    Onu da koyarız :D
  12. Noxchi

    Turkish Tea House

    Gezi olaylarında Devrimci Müslümanları duymadın mı? :D Avatarimi canım sıkıldı için devamlı değiştiriyorum :/
  13. Noxchi

    Saudi Arabia in Pictures

    Brother I will open a Caucasus thread like you said, also the man in my avatar is Sheikh Mansur he is national hero of Chechen people. He was religious leader and resistance fighter that fought off the Russians. İnşAllah bro inşAllah all Caucasus nations will gain their independence from this...
  14. Noxchi

    Turkish Tea House

    Site yönetimi hiç Kuzey Kafkasya ülkelerin bayraklarını koymadını göre mecburen Rus bayrağını seçtik ama ilerde değiştirecem. Vallah ne yaziyim bilmiyorum adım Onur 19 yaşındayım Kayseri'de yaşıyorum. Siyasi düşüncelerime gelince Muhafazakârım ama aynı zamanda Devrimci-Sosyalist fikirlerimde...
  15. Noxchi

    Saudi Arabia in Pictures

    Haplogroup J2 which originates in the Middle East is very high among Caucasian peoples especially Chechens and Ingush. (Nakh People) As a matter of fact it is said the Nakhs (Chechens,Ingush) originated from the Fertile Crescent and migrated towards the Caucasus region. There are many...
  16. Noxchi

    Saudi Arabia in Pictures

    Brother I am a Chechen from Chechnya (Kavkaz) there are many Saudi Arabians here that stayed after Russian-Chechen War I know a lot of them are my good friends they have married with Chechen women now :D
  17. Noxchi

    Will minorities(Sikh) ever get justice in India?? Your views

    If the British don't want you in their country why do you guys still insist on living there?
  18. Noxchi

    Armenia has to respect Azerbaijan’s territorial integrity - Davutoglu

    How come one of those hardcore Azeri-Iranian nationalists have this picture on their profile?
  19. Noxchi

    Armenia has to respect Azerbaijan’s territorial integrity - Davutoglu

    Georgians and Armenians are no brothers, they have had their differences in the past. Just because they are both Majorly Christian doesn't mean they get along well. And you are wrong about Turkey not being able to pressure Georgia, Turkey can easily pressure Georgia if it wants..There is heavy...
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