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  1. Ryan


    To my India's friends, whatever gets you off is fine. You have my best wishes. After all, it is not a crime to dream.
  2. Ryan

    India railway failings 'like massacre'

    Chinese will prove itself as a leading technology provider in the bullet train market after all the sensation and emotion boils down in the next few years. Last year's setback definitely slows down the export of bullet train. Lessons that were learned will make our HSR safer with more...
  3. Ryan

    India railway failings 'like massacre'

    In that case, I still blame the Indian government of negligence of educating its own people. I believe the Govt CAN change the mindset of people but the Indian govt did not take its responsible job enough.
  4. Ryan

    India railway failings 'like massacre'

    Ever heard of the rule of law? Charge those wrongdoers with endangering public safety and put them in jail like what China does.
  5. Ryan

    India railway failings 'like massacre'

    If stopping from talking about the accidents could prevent the train tragic in India, I would have deleted this thread willingly.
  6. Ryan

    Iran to rev up oil exports to China

    China and India can take turns to take the lead role of Iranian oil importers. That way, both nations can face less pressure coming from the US. Finally, China and India can have some common ground.
  7. Ryan

    India railway failings 'like massacre'

    Although I feel sorry for your Indian compatriots who were killed in the train incidents, I am glad you are not one of Indian government officials. What you have said explains why "The group of experts on the committee noted that Indian Railways is reluctant to acknowledge the deaths as train...
  8. Ryan

    India railway failings 'like massacre'

    Lax safety standards on India's railway lines have caused thousands of deaths, a government committee has said, calling the deaths a "massacre". The committee said 15,000 people are killed by trains every year trying to cross tracks that are not fenced off. Almost half of the deaths occur in...
  9. Ryan

    India-China relations

    On Chinese side, the reality is that the majority of Chinese do not know the 1962 war between China and India. India was painted by the media and the textbook as a nation with long history and rich culture. The Chinese populace do not even know people on the other side of Himalayas have ill-will...
  10. Ryan

    Urban India is polluting rivers and drowning in its own excreta

    I am really sick of the Indian propaganda and shamelessness. I have some stories to share with my friends. The real life tells quite differently from what kind of freedom and democrazy India boasts: 1. One of aljazeera reports, which you can find from youtube, is about how cruelly and how...
  11. Ryan

    Urban India is polluting rivers and drowning in its own excreta

    OMG! I shook hands with an Indian earlier today. Would it give me something else other than friendship?
  12. Ryan

    Chinese PM vows closer military ties with Pakistan

    Very good point. 1. Both China and Pakistan are willing to build STRONG economic ties. 2. Much effort has been made from both sides. But the progress is not as good as we wish. 3. For the concern from our Indian friends, China and Pakistan will sort it out and make both countries prosperous...
  13. Ryan

    China warns US on Asia military strategy

    Last time when one of our neighbors was crazy about its "forward policy" and ignored China's warning, guess what happened? The crazy and greedy neighbor got biiiiittttccchhh-slapped. Judging by the the responses below, the lesson wasn't learned. Maybe it is time for another lesson.
  14. Ryan

    India to become world's 5th largest economy by 2020: Report

    First, congratulations to my fellow Indian friends! Then again, it reminds me of those exciting wonderful memory: Shining India. Yeah, the tin-hut in the slum is still shining and smelling Incredible India. Indeed, the game goes on and the political rhetoric and propaganda never stops...
  15. Ryan

    India to become world's 5th largest economy by 2020: Report

    Mr Savvy, USA is one of China's major customers. But I can't say the same for India. The trade between China and India is just slightly over that of China and Vietnam. Not quite sure since when India becomes China's MAJOR customer. I agree with you on your own words "first google it and then...
  16. Ryan

    Singapore PM backs India for Permanent UN seat

    Once again, you are either misinformed, or you are spinning and twisting the fact. China(ROC) was one of five creators of UN because of the five nations' contribution to the victory of WWII. What did India do during World War II?
  17. Ryan

    India's Rupee: Asia's Worst-Performing Currency

    I admire Indian's way of talking as always.....self-claimed being smart instead of being called currency manipulating.
  18. Ryan

    Singapore PM backs India for Permanent UN seat

    Donate? You must be joking. To donate, you must posses something first. Since when has India owned a UNSC seat? India might have supported the PRC to replace the ROC as the member of UN. For that, I should be thankful for India government and India people.
  19. Ryan

    Singapore PM backs India for Permanent UN seat

    "she did not mock India?" Even by your version of interpretation, India was one of the 4 mocked self claimers. This time you overstretched your propaganda techniques(Name Calling/Glittering Generalities/Transfer/Testimonial/Plain Folks/Card Stacking/Band Wagon/FUD) at which Indian is very good.
  20. Ryan

    Singapore PM backs India for Permanent UN seat

    Washington, Nov 30: The United States official diplomatic wires leaked by WikiLeaks have exposed that US Secretary of State, Hillary Clinton, has mocked India's bid for permanent United Nations Sceurity Council Seat (UNSC). According to leaked documents, Hillary Clinton defined India as a...
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