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    US-backed Afghan Infiltration in Pakistan

    Sajjad Shaukat On the one hand, American blame game against Pakistan in connection with cross-border terrorism in Afghanistan continues, while on the on the other, heavily-armed militants from Afghanistan continue to attack inside Pakistan intermittently. In this regard, we need to prove...
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    US drone strike kills four Pak tribal area

    A latest US drone strike targeted a vehicle in North Waziristan on Monday and killed at least four suspected militants, security officials... Complete Story
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    Originators of Sectarian Violence

    Sajjad Shaukat Although various sorts of violence-related terrorist acts continue in Pakistan and these have intensified in Karachi, yet sectarian violence which is part of the same game also needs our focus. In this context, a study of the Rand Corporation, titled ‘US Strategy in the Muslim...
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    Insurgent & Secessionist movements in India

    Instead of addressing the root causes of the Maoist insurgency like redressing their genuine grievances, the militancy will continue, while India already facing movement of separatism in more than six states. In order to divert the attention from its injustices, New Delhi also blame Pakistan and...
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    Karachi Violence .. Updates & Discussion ..

    Violence continues in Karachi on daily basis. Now police and rangers have become helpless. Therefore majority of people want that army should take control of Karachi. But still civil government of Sindh does not want to call the army. However, violence will continue in Karachi until army take...
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    Pakistan's War - Documentaries

    Despite all the comments in this regard, we must also realise the sacrifices of Pak Army in connection with War on Terror. Several soldiers sacrificed their lives, but they broken the backbone of the Taliban militants in the affected tribal areas. So military operations proved to be a greater...
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    American Indirect Support to Pakistani Taliban

    By Sajjad Shaukat The killing of Osama Bin Laden by a US military raid in Pakistan on May 2, terrorists’ attack on Pakistan Navy’s airbase, PNS Mehran on May 23 and assault by more than 400 militants who entered Pakistan’s Upper Dir from Afghanistan on June 1 cannot be seen in isolation...
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