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  1. Kajutyun

    Azerbaijan Defence Programs & Military Development

    You think you are some sort of military genius because you have come up with the genius equation: more money=more guns=victory. A 5 year old could come up with this much. I'm done arguing with 5 year olds. And I don't ever want to hear this again.
  2. Kajutyun

    Azerbaijan Defence Programs & Military Development

    You had better hope for the sake of you "brothers" in Azerbaijan that Azeri officials do not share your perspective. You need to shed this mentality about Armenian inactivity. Armenia constantly holds military drills on its territory and NKR, and is constantly acquiring modern weaponry. As for...
  3. Kajutyun

    Azerbaijan Defence Programs & Military Development

    Spoken like a true 10-year-old:lol:
  4. Kajutyun

    Azerbaijan Defence Programs & Military Development

    NO, I have absolute confidence that Armenia's army IS better prepared. My logic is Armenia has experienced victory, has higher morale, the mountain advantage, and therefore has the overall edge. Your twisted, nonsensical logic says that because there has not been war for 20 years, Armenia has...
  5. Kajutyun

    Azerbaijan Defence Programs & Military Development

    Armenia has the most combat-ready army in the Caucasus. Armenia's defenses on the frontline are unbreachable FOR AZERBAIJAN given their combat-preparedness.
  6. Kajutyun

    Azerbaijan Defence Programs & Military Development

    That is absolutely not what I'm saying. There are many things that Azerbaijan can do to raise combat-readiness, it is just not doing them. All that has changed is that Aliyev has thrown more money at the military. Morale as gotten worse, as there are more suicides every year (particularly in...
  7. Kajutyun

    Azerbaijan Defence Programs & Military Development

    Has Turkey given the slightest indication that they will do anything like that??? They would have to kill Russians to invade Armenia. Not to mention that they are pre-occupied with Syria and not interested in further destabilizing situation with Iran. Good lord, you are clueless.
  8. Kajutyun

    Azerbaijan Defence Programs & Military Development

    Stfu, Turkey will stay in its place and do nothing. Stop trolling.
  9. Kajutyun

    Azerbaijan Defence Programs & Military Development

    Congratulations. Azerbaijan has acquired Turkish knock-offs of Korean weaponry. I'm sure Karabakh Army is shaking in their boots.
  10. Kajutyun

    Azerbaijan Defence Programs & Military Development

    Well....unbreachable as far as Azerbaijan is concerned. And those mountains are the sole of Armenia, all reliance is placed unto them. Also, does anyone know the type of defenses deployed in Nakhchivan? What type of SAMs are there? What composes 5th Army core? Why does it have such a high...
  11. Kajutyun

    Azerbaijan Defence Programs & Military Development

    There is not point in arguing whether or not Cobras will be useful in a potential war. All that we know is that they were essentially useless against the Russians, so I don't see why anything should change now. I believe that they are unbreachable BECAUSE I've been to the frontline. You would...
  12. Kajutyun

    Azerbaijan Defence Programs & Military Development

    Clearly, I meant the Karabakh-Azerbaijan frontline. There is not "frontline" in Turkey. If you wish to participate in a thread, at least read some of the latest posts for context before posting BS.
  13. Kajutyun

    Azerbaijan Defence Programs & Military Development

    You misunderstood me. I was comparing Armenian army with PKK (which actually does not have those things), not with Azerbaijan. What do you mean what will I say? Nothing. There is nothing special about that. Altay is not an Azeri creation, so they have nothing to boast about. Armenia has license...
  14. Kajutyun

    Azerbaijan Defence Programs & Military Development

    @cabatli_53, specs on Arma? IMO, Azerbaijan's combat-readiness cannot be increased by throwing money at their armed forces. If this had been the case, they would have attacked a long time ago. Even Armenophobe Matthew Bryza says that Armenian Army cannot be dislodged form Artsakh mountains.
  15. Kajutyun

    Azerbaijan Defence Programs & Military Development

    As a matter of fact yes Armenians have impenetrable skin...... PKK are rebels and as such employ guerilla tactics. It makes sense that the Cobra would be used. But when fighting a professional army equipped with (relatively)modern weaponry, they will make little inroads.
  16. Kajutyun

    Azerbaijan Defence Programs & Military Development

    You my friend are living in a dream. Therefore, seeing as NKR/Armenian army would NEVER retreat (judging from the fact that they are greater in number, have mountain advantage, and have obligation to protect Karabakhtsi Armenians), you and I can agree that buying these Cobras was a wasted...
  17. Kajutyun

    Azerbaijan Defence Programs & Military Development

    I understood the purpose of the Cobra from the very beginning. I just can't imagine a scenario where they would give Azerbaijan a tactical advantage.
  18. Kajutyun

    Azerbaijan Defence Programs & Military Development

    Which APCs would Azerbaijan use in that case, if not the Cobras?
  19. Kajutyun

    Azerbaijan Defence Programs & Military Development

    This thread, as far as I understand, is not about military prowess. It is simply about the quality of the equipment. You don't think that Azerbaijan will have an easier time driving those things up Armenian mountains than when Georgia used them against the Russians do? There is no reason to...
  20. Kajutyun

    Azerbaijan Defence Programs & Military Development

    The point being that Georgian-used Cobras were terrible. Many were captured during 2008 war, and the body was not very protective. I am told that it was not uncommon from a bullet to penetrate the armor and ricochet multiple times in the interior, tearing all the soldiers to shreds. IMO the...
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