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    Pakistan Cement exports reach all time high

    Despite exports, we are mentioning in every thread, I don't understand why our economy is degrading day by day?
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    Pakistan Defence Exports $300Million!

    Pakistan needs to do more, it should be just begining. I think we should capture the international market by producing more quality weapons and our local weapons industary should be self relient, we should be depend on any aid or burdon on our economy, like the developed courntries are...
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    Russia stops China from handing its engines to Pak for fighters

    Oh guys stop joking,,, Pakistan has already made J17 thunder and now started delivering to its air force...Ha Ha ha
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    Russia, China looking to form NATO of the East?

    I think regardless of Indian presence Pakistan should join this block for better ties with all the neighbouring countries. I believe this block cannot be so strong to confront NATO but at least an environment of mutual cooperation could be established.
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    Pakistan, Bangladesh Involved in North East Terrorism: Stratfor

    I think both of the countries (Pak/India) should realize the bitter ground realities. Indian shouldn't blame everything on her neighbours but should admit that they are not delivering and not doing enough to give the rights to their citizens that's how the freedom struggles are going on. Indians...
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    Latest Pakistani Air Defence Update

    Great news,, Pak defence forces should equip themselves with latest technology for a credible deterrence.. should rely on indeginous weapons rather than aid.
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