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  1. M

    Australia 'spied on Indonesian President Yudhoyono'

    I don't think you know the game dude~ It's no spying that matter, it is how you play the game once you get caught. Here is how the game is played: 1. Everyone spies on each other. 2. Oops! We caught them spying on us! 3. Did we have something to gain or lose from that? Scenario 1: Nothing to...
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    Australia 'spied on Indonesian President Yudhoyono'

    Isn't it obvious? We don't want to share the burden of boat people with Australia, that's your problem not ours. Thanks to this spying fiasco, we could excuse ourselves not to cooperate Care to elaborate what Indonesia is losing by limiting cooperation with Australia? The last time I check they...
  3. M

    Australia 'spied on Indonesian President Yudhoyono'

    First rule of spying is "don't Get caught", when you get caught, it is the leverage of you target countries to gain advantage from this revelation. Back in 2004, Australian government simply ignored the spying issue because they know they would not gain any advantage by pressing Indonesia more...
  4. M

    HK journalists kicked out of APEC for shouting at Aquino

    I don;t think that was such a case. This was not even stipulated by the basic law of HongKong nor allowed by the constitution of PRC~ You're just making unlawful justification.
  5. M

    HK journalists kicked out of APEC for shouting at Aquino

    You are well aware that HongKong's foreign affair (except in economic and custom related) are managed by China's foreign ministry. HongKong government's insistence of talk with Philippines will not be entertained, it is the duty of China's foreign ministry to hold talks with the philippines...
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    HK journalists kicked out of APEC for shouting at Aquino

    This is plain rude and impolite. Expressing ones thought and ideas is different from pointing buttocks and middle finger to your opponent. This HK college students was such a disgrace, especially doing this towards older people~
  7. M

    Indonesia Defence Forum

    "It is from their foes, not their friends, that cities learn the lesson of building high walls and ships of war." Indonesia enjoy significant peace with its neighbours since the inception of ASEAN. With no perceived external threat, building air force and navies are not a priority. However...
  8. M

    Changing Colonial era Names (Philippines, Indonesia)

    The very existence of Indonesia is also invented by Westerners. The name Indonesia simply reflects that. The term nusantara was cultural and historical one dated back to Majapahit Era. It might include Malaysia as Malaysian also use the word Nusantara to refer either to the country or...
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    China Economy Forum

    This historical Headline from RenMin RiBao simply reflects what kind of peoples running the government back then in China: Back then it was agricultural statistics. Now, it might be economic one, especially debt. The Chinese central government need to push the local government not to...
  10. M

    Taiwan fisherman shot dead by Filipino military

    Oh My Goodness! This is the first time I've ever heard a person says Nature is not credible as Scientific Journal. Don't you know a lot of scientists dream up to publish their journal to Nature? I've already given you the scientific journal~ you can;t read them yourselves? Or is it that you...
  11. M

    Taiwan fisherman shot dead by Filipino military

    As I say, it is too early to judge before investigations came out~ we don;t know yet the circumstances in which the shooting was conducted. And shooting foreign vessels is not uncommon. Last year Korean and Palau also shot Chinese crewmen, as per the circumstances demand. If the shooting was...
  12. M

    Taiwan fisherman shot dead by Filipino military

    Such an ignorant Sinocentric chauvinism~ The autronesian has been sailing across the sea since 3000 BC when China earliest mythical trace of civilization (三皇五帝) only started up north of Yellow River. If austronesian could sail through Madagascar, of course they...
  13. M

    Taiwan fisherman shot dead by Filipino military

    LOL~ I would know that Chinese will resort to "historic" claim~.. So tell me, what kind of historic title through China do Taiwan Chinese has on the sea surrounding Batanes? History show that Taiwan was only started to be populated in large number by Chinese in the 17th century, while...
  14. M

    Taiwan fisherman shot dead by Filipino military

    We don;t know yet the circumstances with which the incident happen. Initial investigations reveal that the Taiwanese boat has been chase for the maximum of 8 hours (05.00 intrusion, 09.45 the incident, 13.05 reporting back to Taiwan authority)~ Eight hours is a long chase, we don;t know yet the...
  15. M

    Taiwan fisherman shot dead by Filipino military

    From the Taiwanese Official Map, it clearly shows that Taiwan didn't abide UNCLOS provision by drawing straight line ignoring its baseline. If you want to invoke UN convention, here is one of the clause stating what to do with the overlapping claim: Article 15 Where the coasts of two States...
  16. M

    Taiwan fisherman shot dead by Filipino military

    I think it is too early to speculate what actually happened. It was not that the coast guard shot the vessel immediately. If you see from the investigation map, there were approximately 5 hour gap before the shooting (05.00 to 09.45), we don't know when was the chasing actually happened. Even...
  17. M

    Taiwan fisherman shot dead by Filipino military

    The taiwan official map has shown it clearly that it happened outside Taiwan-claim EEZ border. The overlapped area is inside the claim border off batanes, which was not the case here as investigated by Taiwan government. I believe you could read: 南界線外10浬 (10...
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    Taiwan fisherman shot dead by Filipino military

    Investigation by Taiwanese Coast Guard Authority has confirmed that the boat indeed has intrude Philippinese EEZ; even outside Taiwan self-proclaimed temporary control border. http://www.cga.gov.tw/GipOpen/wSite/public/Attachment/f1368153033684.pdf Boat Operation: Time: 05.00...
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    Taiwan can respond to assassination of unarmed fisherman by the Philippines

    Dark blue: Philippines territorial water + EEZ Green: Disputed EEZ Certainly the Taiwanese boat has intrude Philippines undisputed EEZ; Shooting illegal vessels inside one EEZ is not something uncommon, especially if the intrusion is on non-disputed area. :cheesy: Just last one to two...
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    China should 'reconsider' who owns Okinawa: state media

    LOL~ so you suggest that China should act like USA? So where is the old condemnation of USA imperialist (反美帝国主义) goes? This is why I said Chinese ultranationalism still holds true and pervasive in Mainland Chinese society, even in government...
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