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  1. M

    Australia Navy entered Indonesia waters six times

    Yeah~ it seems the word "sovereign" does not belong to Indonesia in this "Operation Sovereign Borders"~ Funny~ the last time Chinese Warship come through just next to Australian water, everyone make a fuss. And how do you think Indonesian will react to know Australian navy has breached...
  2. M

    Singapore population ponzi and PAP oppression of locals

    Well~ this is the price for a small city state, squeezed by two big (literal big) countries, to thrive and grow beyond its weight. To illustrate how "big" Singapore has come into, consider this: 1. Singapore whole GDP for 2013 is USD 287.374 billion, this number is bigger than the whole...
  3. M

    China defends holding naval exercises between Australia and Indonesia

    Indonesia allows North-South sea lane to pass it's archipelagic water~ the only one not allowed is west-east sea lane
  4. M

    Australia in hot water over 'very serious breach'

    Why are you continue spreading the Myth of proper channel? There are no "proper channel" in UN convention. The only "proper channel" is presenting yourself to host countries legally or illegally. UNHCR only in a capacity to assist and protect those refugees having dificulty to reach refuge...
  5. M

    Australia in hot water over 'very serious breach'

    Still saying Australia abide to UN conventions and international obligation? Here's another article from UNHCR sites: UNHCR - UNHCR seeking details on reports of boats forced back from Australia "UNHCR would be concerned by any policy or practice that involved pushing asylum-seeker boats back...
  6. M

    Australia in hot water over 'very serious breach'

    Well, I'm quoting international legal expert from Monash University as well as UNHCR sites. Where is it that is out of context? Proper process is to come directly to signatory countries, illegally or legally. UNHCR does not substitute for Australia's refugee process. Here is it: UNHCR -...
  7. M

    Australia in hot water over 'very serious breach'

    Not according to UN convention as well as non-refoulement clause. Australia signed the convention, and australia must abide by it. If you want to make your own proper process, just withdraw from the convention. Yes, Australia has every rights to guard its border, but by signing agreement such as...
  8. M

    Australia in hot water over 'very serious breach'

    FYI, 90% of those boat people are found to be genuine refugee, not bogus as you claim. See: Boat people genuine refugees What do you mean by proper channel? The UNHCR has stated they were not criminals but asylum seeker. The convention has clearly stated that asylum seeker coming without VISA...
  9. M

    Australia in hot water over 'very serious breach'

    Indonesia is obligated under non-refoulement clause to not send asylum seekers back to their country of origins. It is Australia who breached international agreement. Why did Australia sign the UN Convention regarding refugee in the first place? If you don't want them, withdraw from the...
  10. M

    australian navy violates Indonesian waters, Indonesia demands end to Australian provocations

    It's about the economy and the stable life of course. And btw, not all those islamic countries sign the UN convention regarding refugees, including Indonesia. Their rights will not be recognized, but they are assured non-refoulement. And FYI, those islamic countries also host a larger amount of...
  11. M

    australian navy violates Indonesian waters, Indonesia demands end to Australian provocations

    Well~ 70% to 90% of them were later proven to be true refugees. Even if it were 0%, they must be proven through appropriate due process, not just tow them back. As a legal expert says: "Asylum seekers who do not have a well-founded fear of persecution are not granted any rights under the...
  12. M

    australian navy violates Indonesian waters, Indonesia demands end to Australian provocations

    Instead of mumbo jumbo opinion, here's what an expert in Monash University had: Explainer: the legal implications of 'tow-backs' Explainer: the legal implications of ‘tow-backs’ Australia has been engaging in “tow-backs” of asylum-seeker boats. This has involved intercepting boats carrying...
  13. M

    australian navy violates Indonesian waters, Indonesia demands end to Australian provocations

    Australia of course have agreement called "UN Convention regarding refugee" to accept asylum seekers. Whether they are genuinely seeeking refugees or not are determined once they appeared in the destination countries. If Australia did not want to accept them, please withdraw from the Convention...
  14. M

    australian navy violates Indonesian waters, Indonesia demands end to Australian provocations

    Never heard of Balseros? They're the boat people version of cuban who raft to Florida and Puerto Rico to search for refuge and asylum. Latin American Herald Tribune - Six Cuban Rafters Rescued from Puerto Rican Islet Six Cuban Rafters Rescued from Puerto Rican Islet SAN JUAN – Six...
  15. M

    ۩۞۩ Lessons from Indonesia, for the rest of the world ۩۞۩

    This is why I hate the sinocentric view of Chinese~ Yes there is racist attack against Chinese Indonesian in 1998. But do you think only Indonesian-Chinese were dead and suffer? Let me tell you, the 1998 riots was a political and social upheaval that occured in Indonesia 1998 nation wide~ not...
  16. M

    South China Sea Forum

    Geez~ history is history~ Nearly 600 years ago Mongols led by Gengis Khan and Kubilai Khan invaded and conquered the whole region including China stretching from Far East to Near East~ A lot of atrocities were also commited, the destruction were unprecedented, leading to the fall of Islamic...
  17. M

    South China Sea Forum

    What's missing is~ what are the coordinates? This is nothing but an attempt to harrass southeast asian vessels~ Without a clear and definitive boundaries, how will the regulation be enforced? It will most likely end up being bullying weaker southeast asian vessels just like what happen in Natuna...
  18. M

    Those Buddhist Thugs from Myanmar

    I highly doubt this~ if environental protection have all been taken well, China would not be as polluted as it is now and the chinese themselves won't be protesting all across the cities. The fact that it is located in Myanmar which has less enforcement capabilities only add to the doubtness.
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    Those Buddhist Thugs from Myanmar

    I don;t think this has something to do with Buddhists. From the chinese article and photos it is clear they're protesting Chinese Investment in mineral industries, either because it would affect the livelihood and environment of the surrounding area. This opposition is normal in every country...
  20. M

    Australia 'spied on Indonesian President Yudhoyono'

    I'm wondering if you are blind or incapable of reading. As have been said by all Indonesians here: It ain't spying that is the mistake, it is get caught open in the media that you spied is the mistake! To put it into perspective: Everybody lies ~ don;t tell you don't~ You need not to apologize...
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