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  1. Tashkent

    Musharraf's political career launch speech (apology, promises and clean slate)

    “Report of the United Nations Commission of Inquiry into the facts and circumstances of the assassination of former Pakistani Prime Minister Mohtrama Benazir Bhutto” – Issued on 15 April 2010 The Date: December 27, 2007. The Country: Pakistan. The Place: On the road just outside Liaquat...
  2. Tashkent

    A Forum Post regarding the Danger of Helping India Upgrading its Infrastructure

    Can my nation reply to my following Questions and can some genius of Pakistan (as every body think) can guide me in making a good choice. Why we support President Musharaf | Facebook
  3. Tashkent

    A Forum Post regarding the Danger of Helping India Upgrading its Infrastructure

    China and many Friendly nations are ready to help Pakistan but before doing that Pakistanis should start helping themselves. We Pakistanis are acting like prostitutes. Demanding from Friends but destroying ourselves.
  4. Tashkent

    Imran Khan Campaignign for a Jewish Candidate

    I do not mind Imran Khan Campaigning for Gold Smith but I have always felt that he is only a loud Mouth. He promised that he will bring Altaf to Court in London but never did. He criticizes every body but has never presented a program. I mean Practical. Now he is again misleading the emotional...
  5. Tashkent

    Improvement in Pakistan-Russia relations

    The visit is historical and opens great opportunities for enhanced Economic links. Tajikistan is playing a very important role. and tashkent is being left out which definitely it deserves because of its arrogant policy
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