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  1. Türkiye

    Racism against Azerbaijani Turks in Iran

    I hope Iran gets liberated from these Fascist Iranian shi ites and Iran becomes land where Turkish people can live in peacefully. I also hope Israel gets liberated from Zionists where my Arab Palestinian brothers can live peacefully.. Turks and Arabs are brothers. Iranians are Zionists are...
  2. Türkiye

    Is Iran engaging in sectarian discrimination against its Sunnis?

    Bu ülkeyi adam eden Ak Parti eğer Ak Parti olmasaydı hala şu an boş beleş koalisyon hükümetler ile sürünyor olurduk zaten bunlar , darbeciler , cuntacılar, ve "kemalist" diye geçinen siyonist uşakları bu ülkeyi 50 yıl geride bırakt&#305...
  3. Türkiye

    Give Hagia Sophia back to Christianity?

    Why waste the time demolish it? It was already converted to a mosque after the conquest of Istanbul and then zionists controlling Turkey made it a musuem.
  4. Türkiye

    Is Iran engaging in sectarian discrimination against its Sunnis?

    "Islamic Republic" of Iran is not a Islamic republic has nothing to do with Islam they should rename their country to "Shi ite Republic of Iran"... Iranians are not real muslims in Iran SUNNIS have ZERO rights and are heavily discriminated against everyday. All Iranians care about is there...
  5. Türkiye

    Give Hagia Sophia back to Christianity?

    Give Ayasofya back to gavur? Are you joking?? THOUSANDS of Turkish mujahidin gave there blood to conquer these sites in the name of our prophet Hz. Muhammed SAV and Islam they are now all our shahids. Ayasofya wont remain as a musuem to long our government has plans to convert it back to a...
  6. Türkiye

    Turkish Economy - News & Updates

    Turkish economy 14th strongest economy in the world and getting stronger, in 10 years Turkey will be the economic powerhouse of the world.
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