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    Attack on PNS Mehran Base - PAF Faisal Base

    After Pakistan ends cooperation with USA on WOT TTP won't have any reason for these bombings. Even today when they claimed responsibility of these attacks they said we conducted these attacks because of Pakistan's slavery to USA. Do you really believe that? They are your sworn enemies, who...
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    Attack on PNS Mehran Base - PAF Faisal Base

    As a spectator who is seeing this tragedy unfold on his TV screen i would like to offer my condolences to People of Pakistan and the brave who have fallen thus far. its truly a sad day for Pakistan and its people. Having said that, i feel its high time that the Army and the Intelligence chiefs...
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    Army chief wanted more drone support.

    KARACHI: Secret internal American government cables, accessed by Dawn through WikiLeaks, provide confirmation that the US military’s drone strikes programme within Pakistan had more than just tacit acceptance of the country’s top military brass, despite public posturing to the contrary. In fact...
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    Hot (literally) Pictures

    great pictures guys.
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    India’s second blunder in fugitive list given to Pakistan

    wonder when the issues between Pakistan and India will be resolved.
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    Turkey’s air-launched cruise missile ‘almost ready’

    great news. Turkey definitely on its way up.
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    Pakistan Economy revisited from past. Mush vs Zardari

    you expected anything better from mr.10 percent?
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