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  1. InExile

    An insurgency swells, but Pakistan focuses on India

    Seriously, threads like these would be funny if not tragic. Posters from both sides talk at each other, instead of to each other. I dont think that Indians have to apologize for 1971. Pakistan can hardly claim the high moral ground considering what they did to the Bangladeshis.
  2. InExile

    An insurgency swells, but Pakistan focuses on India

    I think we could say that Pakistan initiated aggression against India in 1965, 6 years before 1971. Given that and the mass slaughter of innocent Bangladeshis by the Pakistan military; I feel little regret for the Indian intervention in East Pakistan; though I would generally agree that it is...
  3. InExile

    The Future of Kashmir? "Seven" Possible Solutions!

    I started reading this thread with the hope that Indians and Pakistanis could find a common ground and explore compromises; but now it is with sadness I see that most of this thread is full of accusations and counter accusations, personal attacks, hardened stances and general ill will. As an...
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