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  1. B

    Hey Indians, beware of America.

    I don't know, man. After the Abbottabad thing, finding people in the U.S. who'll admit to trusting Pakistan would be pretty tough. Probably just as tough as finding someone in Islamabad who'd trust the U.S. I think it's too close to call.:usflag::devil::pakistan:
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    We Can Still Get To You, Dilma...

    So there aren't any Protestant or Catholic or Muslim bankers profiting, only Jews ? And you're flying off topic, too.
  3. B

    Hey Indians, beware of America.

    'Vassal' ? Nahhh !! Just showing some common sense ? EXACTLY.:cheers:
  4. B

    Hey Indians, beware of America.

    You hit the nail right on the head, T-Guy. We don't do anything that anyone else wouldn't do IF THEY COULD. In regards to the threads title, I could never figure out why the U.S. 'hooked their wagon' to the Paks instead of the Indians. WTF were we thinking ?:usflag:
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    We Can Still Get To You, Dilma...

    OH !! Now I see...:blink:
  6. B

    U.S. Siezes Iranian Owned Building In Manhatten

    US government seizes NY skyscraper allegedly secretly owned by Iran Published September 18, 2013 FoxNews.com The former Piaget buidling in Midtown Manhattan will be seized by the U.S. government after a ruling on by a federal court on Tuesday after allegations that its rental...
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    Don’t abandon Taiwan for better China ties

    Tear up Article 9 and give Japan about ten years. POWERHOUSE !!! The carriers they were building in the '30's and '40's are STILL superior to the Ukrainian rowboat the Chinese are tooling around on. And I'm sure they could have a functioning nuclear arsenal by about lunchtime tomorrow if they...
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    Exploring Saudi Arabia's marine wonderland

    As a diver, I'd love to dive the area if it weren't for all those Saudis, Egyptians and Sudanese around. Clear them out and I'd be right over.:omghaha:
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    Egypt mulls JF-17 co-production

    Good for Egypt. I never liked the idea of handing over all those F-16's.:usflag:
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    We Can Still Get To You, Dilma...

    Dilma has to look tough at home because she's facing a tough re-election campaign. The so called 'revelation' that the U.S. spies on EVERYONE isn't a 'revelation' at all. Who DIDN'T know that ? Don't hate the player, hate the game, dude. Any other time she'd soil her panties to have a state...
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    'Technical glitch' gives Iranians a small taste of freedom.

    Now that you mention it, wtf was with the tongue thing ? And it's funny YOU were the one to bring that up. Do you think the mullahs watch her ? (This TROLL is Coming to you LIVE from the Home of the Great Satan !!):usflag:
  12. B

    Iran to send second living creature into space soon

    LMAO !!! Not even worth..... nevermind.:omghaha:
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    Iran to send second living creature into space soon

    Will they fake the results like they did with the monkey flight ?
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    'Technical glitch' gives Iranians a small taste of freedom.

    Sep. 17, 2013 3:26 PM ET Internet blocks return in Iran after brief opening TEHRAN, Iran (AP) — Word of the opening of Iran's blocked social media sites was spread, of course, by social media itself: in celebratory tweets and breathless Facebook posts. Hours later, the same sites Tuesday...
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    We Can Still Get To You, Dilma...

    Brazil looks to break from US-centric Internet By BRADLEY BROOKS and FRANK BAJAK RIO DE JANEIRO (AP) — Brazil plans to divorce itself from the U.S.-centric Internet over Washington's widespread online spying, a move that many experts fear will be a potentially dangerous first...
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    Americans must be punished!

    Obviously what they did wasn't in their best interest. They thought it was, but it wasn't. You don't think that countries do what they think is best for themselves ?
  17. B

    Americans must be punished!

    Listen up... the U.S. does what is in it's best interest because IT CAN !!! Every other country would do the same IF IT COULD. None of you other guys would be any different if you had the stones the U.S. does.:usflag:
  18. B

    Americans must be punished!

    The U.S. will shortly be a MAJOR fossil fuel exporter. Between Canada, the U.S. and Mexico lies the bulk of the worlds oil and natural gas reserves.:usflag:
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    Media Kills 9/11 Truth Rally by Lying About It

    This thread turned weird.
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    China's Islamic heritage put on display...

    China, being the free, open society that it is is a perfect place for a religion like Islam to thrive.:omghaha:
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