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  1. Regal

    China have delivered two JF-17 to pakistan

    JF-17 “102” same picture as above but better quality. Yes the nose does seem to be some what longer as well as bigger. :agree:
  2. Regal

    China have delivered two JF-17 to pakistan

    Picture of JF-17 "102" enjoy :army:
  3. Regal

    JF-17/FC-1 Thunder Fighter

    Some awesome Pictures. :cool1: http://img254.imageshack.us/img254/449/pafjf171pw9.jpg http://img254.imageshack.us/img254/7615/pafjf172br3.jpg http://img159.imageshack.us/img159/2391/pafjf173tj5.jpg
  4. Regal

    JF-17/FC-1 Thunder Fighter

    I would like to congratulate all Pakistanis on this day. Its something that I’ve known for quite some time now, and you know what I am not going to refrain my self from saying “ Told Ya So” :agree: https://defence.pk/forums/showthread.php?t=3600&page=24 Also just an...
  5. Regal

    Bangladesh Air Force delivery

    Once again, your assumption is wrong, its design, not size of the platform that dictates its stealthiness. If that was the case then F-22, F-35, B-2 could never have achieved a lower RCS then F-16. You are also completely wrong when you say “they weren’t thinking about stealth 15...
  6. Regal

    Bangladesh Air Force delivery

    I know there is a lot of information available in electronic media and sifting through it is not a easy task, but I would appreciate a genuine and sincere effort on your part to at least try and looking for it. If for any reason you can’t find the desired info then I’ll be more then...
  7. Regal

    Bangladesh Air Force delivery

    Keyser is right about the RCS of F-16, as well as the detection range. His analysis is right on spot when comparing the C series with R-77. The only thing that I would like to add to his post is that the 140km detection range of MKI is against F-16 a/b (only those that have not been upgraded)...
  8. Regal

    Bush to warn Pakistan on combating militants

    You are absolutely right even in a democracy they would definitely do every thing they can from funding the opposition to even sponsoring the rogue elements, but to think this would only happen in a democracy is a reason enough to looking back at the presidency of previous dictator General Zia...
  9. Regal

    Bush to warn Pakistan on combating militants

    lol…… As much as they can “get out of you” be it by arm twisting or hand shaking. Its that simple. ;) Its hard-nosed diplomacy and they will push you to make you do things that might even seem impossible to you. Like I said in my previous post what...
  10. Regal

    Bush to warn Pakistan on combating militants

    Even if one assumes for the sack of an argument that the taliban were infiltrating from Pakistani side of the border and weren’t really part of the local resistance within Afghanistan against the Karazai government it would still be counter productive to put pressure on Pakistani...
  11. Regal

    Bush to warn Pakistan on combating militants

    Would you care to elaborate on this
  12. Regal

    Bush to warn Pakistan on combating militants

    All I have to say is that Pakistan is doing a lousy job in letting the world know about ground realities. If we “Americans” can’t police Iraq, and can’t control the shoot and run tactic of the local Iraqis then how can Pakistan achieve the same objectives with limited...
  13. Regal

    Bush to warn Pakistan on combating militants

    Bush to warn Pakistan on combating militants President George W. Bush has decided to send an unusually tough message to Pakistan President Pervez Musharraf warning that the new Democratic-led Congress could cut aid to his country unless it does more to crack down on al Qaeda operatives, The...
  14. Regal

    Russia blocks RD-93 to Pakistan?

    Dear respected member, Countries don’t work like individuals or for that matter small/medium business when it comes to buying or selling, especially military hardware. To put some light on this issue lets just look at Lockheed. As we all know they have offered customized f-16s to...
  15. Regal

    Russia blocks RD-93 to Pakistan?

    I am going to put an end to this “Engine issue” once and for all for everybody's convenience. :army: All i would say to the members on this forum who are currently in Pakistan is to make sure you take your cameras with you to the 23rd, March parade. You will get plenty of chance...
  16. Regal

    Russia blocks RD-93 to Pakistan?

    I know there is a show of patriotism from both sides along with some wishful thinking I might add, but if you look at this “engine issue” in its entirety and follow the media reports from the inception of this project its clearly obvious whats at play here. Its Russia who is...
  17. Regal

    JF17 versus MKI

    First of I just wanted to say a quick Hello to everyone as you can see I just joined this forum. Now that’s out of the way I must tell you that I am no expert but I think in an ideal situation jf-17’s crew would turn off there radars and relay on ground based (GCI) and air based...
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