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  1. R

    What would escalate war with Iran?

    the tor m1 and syrian's pantsir in iran, and now the raad with will take alot of those tomhowk but for the ground force, it will change nothing
  2. R

    What would escalate war with Iran?

    defintively you r my prefere attraction here lol iran can and WILL hit americans ship.... U.S. simply can not hit simultaneously hundreds of Iranian ballistic missiles, hundreds of missiles land seas, and hundreds or thousands of fast boats rocket launchers .... period remember during the...
  3. R

    What would escalate war with Iran?

    don't fool yourself friend !!!! first iran never lost a millions soldiers NEVER 2 - was armed by the USSR, US, France, germany, the United Kingdom, and all smalls european countries, and funded by the CCG iran was alone, iran was attacked with chemical weapons, and Iranian Revolutionary...
  4. R

    What would escalate war with Iran?

    With what is Iranian going to sink 50% of 5th fleet? do you want to know how ? jsut ask James Mattis current head of CENTCOM about the simulation made last years....... the simulation give as result hundered of americans death if a SINGLE missil hit an american ship........ iranian...
  5. R

    What would escalate war with Iran?

    no one said THE SAME ABOUT irak idiot but comparing osirak with iranian nuke programme is like comparing my penis with an anaconda ! osirak was a SINGLE reactor built by french...... a SINGLE reactor, even the kosovo could have succeed in such easy task lol iran has dozen sites somes maybe...
  6. R

    What would escalate war with Iran?

    there is no question there is no question that Iran will have the bomb, or not i they will the only question is a nuclear iran will emerge with or with no bombing.periode. the US can at best reunit +- 150. 000 guys if there is not another on going conflict that involve their soldiers...
  7. R

    What would escalate war with Iran?

    as i said above.... who care ... do you know who is gaby ashkenazy ? YES - NO ? his words : " netanyahu talk and threat are empty words " is that simple. " the israeli military option simply not exist " his predecessor Dan halutz said almost the same .... so stop boring us...
  8. R

    What would escalate war with Iran?

    the only one that fooling himself here is you lol a nuclear iran is a fait accompli...... and the US aren't going to fight iran for decade.. is that simple george bush said it again and again ; " WE WILL NOT LET NORTH KOREA HAVE A NUCLEAR WEAPON " or " IT VITAL INTEREST FOR U.S, THAT...
  9. R

    What would escalate war with Iran?

    I repeat, if you think that Russia will leave israel even consider using nuclear weapons ur dreaming, russia, pakistan, etc.. .... will nukes israel once in this world, and again in the other world too lol
  10. R

    What would escalate war with Iran?

    mmm let me think? not is no no, invasion is not an option ....... the states do not have the means to neither humans resources nor the financial! such a n ormandy scenario is just not an option. period if it was ever possible, the american people will not send their children to...
  11. R

    What would escalate war with Iran?

    israel will nuclear blackmail to usa? and the world ? lol sampson option option is a way to suicide, russia, united states, the France, the pakistan, etc .... will wippe out this rogue state if it is ever necessary ... thanks a lot brother u made me really laugh to death... thanks again...
  12. R

    What would escalate war with Iran?

    israel is a nation a bomb, or a half, or even three quard, who care ? heu who care ? gaby Ashkenazi : " israeli threats are empty words " Barak claims that Ashkenazi did not respect his authority in many cases. The most serious charge is that Ashkenazi told the U.S. Chairman of the Joint...
  13. R

    What would escalate war with Iran?

    the president can say that will prevent the earth from turning it not going to change the reality! george bush has said repeatedly, "WE WILL NOT tolerate NUCLEAR WEAPON IN NORTH KOREA" and also "icts he did absolutely nothing even worse when ..... in 2010 the united states were shocked to...
  14. R

    What would escalate war with Iran?

    idiot in jun 2012 khlon CALN you cite, has himself warnd obama and israel in June 2012. He cited three conditions before any strike. 1 an international legitimacy ( UN security concil ) 2 the formation of an international coalition to help the united states to manage the consequences. 3 a...
  15. R

    What would escalate war with Iran?

    as I said earlier idiot if the world economy collapses you will follow, dollars or not, in 2008 the dollars did not stop to do the big jump In 2008 the American economy lost 600,000 jobs per month during the crisis .... in the next we will see flourish aunts, as in 29's Currently, 40 million...
  16. R

    What would escalate war with Iran?

    a main reason for the defeat of 67, also and especially was that the Arabs was not prepared, do not want to go to war and israel has attackd first, but it will not happen again!
  17. R

    What would escalate war with Iran?

    in march 2012 James Mattis current head of powerful CENTCOM was asked by the senat, if force can stop iranian nukes he answerd a big NO the United States has few options to stop the Iranians from building an atomic bomb. “The best we can do is to delay them,” he said...
  18. R

    What would escalate war with Iran?

    As for the shaking of American economy, you are delusional at best. Let me test yr knowledge, what is the major export of the USA towards the rest of the world? yes i delusional at best please don't make me laugh , US are on verge to collapse even without iran's help... one recently...
  19. R

    What would escalate war with Iran?

    Robert Gates october 2012: " an attack would make a nuclear iran inevitable "
  20. R

    What would escalate war with Iran?

    the Israeli "determination" (country of 7 million Jews) will not prevent a country like Iran (80 million) to sleep sorry. the "determination" as you say Israeli can not even defeat hezbollah !!!!! the so called Israeli determination is only hot air, nothing more. Gaby Ashkenazi...
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