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  1. M

    Bhuvan: India's answer to Google Earth and Wikimapia

    If the images are being provided to goi then why would they tell ISRO to go slow???
  2. M

    Su-30MKI & JF-17 Air Fight

    As far as the bold part is concerned the MIG Bisons were able to jam them mainly becoz the F-15 were flying in training mode.Never compare the training combats with actual combats.And I have not said that JF 17 CAN'T down a Su-30 but the conditions of actual combat can't be replicated and...
  3. M

    Su-30MKI & JF-17 Air Fight

    You are under delusions.JF-17 DOWNING a Su-30MKI isn't improbable but why to compare the two when they are in different leagues.Su 30 downed by JF17 is based on a BIG IF.In actual combat conditions anything can happen but you just can't discuss what will happen if this and that happen.As if now...
  4. M

    Su-30MKI & JF-17 Air Fight

    In EUROFIGHTER it is not required but in F-16 VISTA they did test pitch and yaw vectoring and it was said succesful but never made it to production.
  5. M

    Su-30MKI & JF-17 Air Fight

    Guys isn't the thread about Su 30MKI and JF-17???. And I personally believe that the Pakistani's are too much buoyed by induction of JF-17 so that they are even making it's comparision with Su 30MKI.
  6. M

    Footage of Indian Army training Tamil Tigers!

    So you are just another paranoid about Hinduism and India.Hmmm.....:hitwall: Go on like this it wont do much harm to any of us but to your imbecile mind.:tup:
  7. M

    India to Deploy active Nuclear Defence within 2 years.

    Official response U.S. GAO - Patriot Missile Defense: Software Problem Led to System Failure at Dhahran, Saudi Arabia EXPLANATION Further inquiries cleared up the mystery. It turns out that the hypothesis concerning the truncated binary representation of 0.1 was essentially correct. A...
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    Physicists near 'God Particle' find

    Physicists near 'God Particle' find Chicago, March 14: Physicists have come closer to finding the elusive "God Particle," which they hope could one day explain why particles have mass, the US Department of Energy's Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory announced on Friday. Researchers at...
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    American recklessness led world to recession: Canada Prime Minister

    American recklessness led world to recession: Canada Prime Minister Toronto, March 14: In the first such attack by any western leader, Canadian Prime Minister Stephen Harper has blamed reckless American consumers and investors for leading the world into the current recession and said the...
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    Reform ISI, shift focus from India to terror: US to Pak

    Reform ISI, shift focus from India to terror: US to Pak Washington, March 14: The US wants Pakistan to reform its notorious Inter-Services Intelligence (ISI) agency, shift its focus from India to Afghanistan and train its troops in counter-insurgency to meet the terrorist threat at home...
  11. M

    Does this country look like a failed state to you?

    Pakistan is a failed state, says US lawmaker Describing Pakistan a 'failed state', an influential American lawmaker has underlined the need for the United States to tie aid to Islamabad [Images] with the Islamic nation, to ensure that the lawless areas bordering Afghanistan are not used by...
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    Does this country look like a failed state to you?

    Is Pakistan a failed state? Pakistan is a failed state because it was created on the wrong belief that mere religious homogeneity among people is enough to keep a nation united. As long as the army has a say in governance, democracy can never take roots in Pakistan.. THE NATION-STATE of...
  13. M

    An Indian perception about new arms for Pakistan Navy

    AK Antony wasn't Defense Minister Back then.
  14. M

    Does this country look like a failed state to you?

    I have not only blamed ISI but India's DIG also. As far as China is concerned, it is definitely using Pak against India so that India gets less chance to focus all it's resources on China whether you believe or not.
  15. M

    India to Deploy active Nuclear Defence within 2 years.

    It was due to software error,basically a timing error which go on increasing as the system was active for more than 100 hours and that did it.However it was rectified and corrected.
  16. M

    Does this country look like a failed state to you?

    A few "rotten apples".How much easy to say??? But if it had been so easy to eliminate so called "rotten apples" it would have been done.See every south Asian wants Development in south asia regardless of country or creed as only stability will help in growth.But the problem of these "rotten...
  17. M

    Does this country look like a failed state to you?

    How are we??? We are just answering to the question posed and the question is such that you wont like the answer.How can it be trolling when we are just entering in discussion on the topic???. :what: :what:
  18. M

    Does this country look like a failed state to you?

    " Baluchistan is blessed with an abundant amount of natural resources that can be exploited for the good of Pakistan. Additionally, Pakistan also possesses one of the largest mineral resources in the world. The Thar coal reserves in Sindh are estimated as the second largest in the world." And...
  19. M

    Does this country look like a failed state to you?

    The topic of thread asks "Does this country look like a failed state to you?". And with barren roads it certainly looks like one.If you want members to appreciate these photos then change the topic of thread otherwise it will most certainly turn into a bashing contest.
  20. M

    India sabotages South Asian peace

    "In the prevailing adverse circumstances, Islamabad did not blame New Delhi for Liberty terror-incident of Lahore prior to inquiry which is still under process." Within half an hour of attack one of your minister said it is vengeance of India for Mumbai.It was only after proofs said otherwise...
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