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  1. Rashid..

    India not offered F-22s or F-35s: Why?

    ..:: India Strategic ::.. Indian Navy: US offers F 35 to India as India-US Defence Cooperation grows ..i think you should have a look at this article ... to solve your querries...;)
  2. Rashid..

    New India is nothing but a banana republic

    this is an article by bbc news south asia.. Pakistan 'is a top failed state' Pakistan is fighting tribesmen and militants on the Afghan border Pakistan and Afghanistan are among the world's top 10 most vulnerable states, according to a new study. The report - compiled by the US...
  3. Rashid..

    New India is nothing but a banana republic

    the word american republic would suffice preciesly to our neighbours and that day is not far:usflag:!!!:usflag::usflag:
  4. Rashid..

    New India is nothing but a banana republic

    well know know guys this is the major diffrence between us and them....i, and my fellow indian could have post links like these which would have highlighted their situation which is ten times worse then ours...but we did not .cos we indian believe to solve our problems first and then poke our...
  5. Rashid..

    India may Drop Russia Completely

    well i guess instead of mentioning US you should have mentioned 'us' to:chilli::cheesy:
  6. Rashid..

    India may Drop Russia Completely

    well first of all this topic is going no where we have not recieved a single link for the state mister ice man has made..nor i can google it...i think its his opinion ...fully troll...indian wont in its desperate time go against russia...period.....we got loads of hardware that requires spares...
  7. Rashid..

    LCA LSP-3 with ELTA radar to fly today

    makes me feel proud jai hind!!!:bounce::toast_sign::cheers::victory::chilli:
  8. Rashid..

    Arjun News & Discussions

    well it had issues with its suspension and firing controls...when they first field tested it...but to tell the army was a little unfair on arjun as it was going to its phase of development..they concentrated mor on t-90 and t72 upgadations...but as the official statement say that it is doing...
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