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  1. E

    Was the Falkland War British aggression or was it justifiable?

    Again, the issue is being absolutely distracting from the important. The Falklands have a minimal amount of food production, as, according to its own government, 4 farms equal 25% of the arable land. If you wish to say that is infrastructure,do so. But don't claim Argentina only wants the...
  2. E

    Was the Falkland War British aggression or was it justifiable?

    So cattle is farmed? I didnt know cows could be planted and harvested. And of course, with modern technollogy, even the saudí arabian desert can be farmed. The Falklands however, naturally did not have trees and were used as a shelter for fishermen, not as a primary goods producer...
  3. E

    Was the Falkland War British aggression or was it justifiable?

    They don't need justification when they have force. That's why today, in their decline, they wish to get a legitimate claim by whatever means posibble, as they can't resolve to force anymore.
  4. E

    Was the Falkland War British aggression or was it justifiable?

    It's full of British because the Argentine settlers were removed. That would be factible, but the Falklands are unhabited by 3000 people of which 1000 are soldiers. The Infrastructure given by the British is laughable. What's more, there's no farmalnds in the Falklands, not even tres grow...
  5. E

    Was the Falkland War British aggression or was it justifiable?

    Most of Argentina wasn't even populated, even today its still unhabited. Peru, Chile, Bolivia, Brazil, Mexico, all used to have millions of natives in their lands. All of Argentina's natives were hardly 100.000, mostly living on the borderlands of present day Bolivia and Chile, due to better...
  6. E

    Was the Falkland War British aggression or was it justifiable?

    It was not 1000 years in the past, it was some 180 since they were stolen. And taking into account that the Argentine population was removed and that Argentina still has the most (actually the only) legitimate claim, why would time be a relevant factor? They didnt become a British majority due...
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