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  1. S

    East Asian Union China+Taiwan+Japan+Korea, possible?

    Direct currency trading IS exchange rate of two currencies without using a third currency such as the dollar. You seem to be an economic noob pretending to know everything. China also has currency swap arrangements with around 20 countries. The RMB has risen to 11th most used payments currency...
  2. S

    East Asian Union China+Taiwan+Japan+Korea, possible?

    Wrong, there are 3 currencies directly trading with the RMB. The US dollar, Japanese Yen and Australian dollar. More currencies will be directly traded with the RMB as stated by the PBOC. New Zealand Dollar is next. China has an FTA with New Zealand since 2008. Negotiating FTA's with South...
  3. S

    How CNN uses disaster to propagandize against a government

    CNN is a mouthpiece of the American regime. Why anyone watches CNN is beyond me. CNN is a terrorist sympathiser too.
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