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  1. Aky

    GlobalFirePower 2014 puts Egypt ahead of Pakistan

    I think Israel should be much higher on that list. It is said Israel will showcase its fire-power when the Arab war starts which will dazzle the world (Imran Hossain)
  2. Aky

    Karachi blast: Slain cops were not paid salaries for several months

    This is the problem in Pakistan or any poor country. The Police can make or break a country very easily, and the impact of the Police is felt mostly on the poor hard-working normal folk (Community). The Pakistan Government needs to first address its Police before it can tackle the Terrorists etc.
  3. Aky

    Career Opportunities in Punjab Counter-Terrorism Force

    I don't think I could Join any of them (If I wanted). I cant run the 1 mile in 8 mins because I have Polio (Maybe 10 mins) and my age is above 25. Just wanted to see what the requirements are. I could probably come top in everything else, besides the running activities (am not the running type...
  4. Aky

    Career Opportunities in Punjab Counter-Terrorism Force

    Any in English version? Am afraid I cant read Urdu unfortunately.
  5. Aky


    I don`t think its Pakistan who decides between friendship of Pakistan and Russia, or India. I Think Russia being cornered by the west (Missile System) will bring Russia much closer to Pakistan. The financial impact on the USA (The whole of West) will hit India on a much larger scale than it...
  6. Aky

    Russia cancels war games with India, navy reacts strongly

    russia will not reject any money from india deals, although they (russia) have done this in the past with pakistan (small) deals, on the orders of india. I dont see that happening anymore, if pakistan wants weapons against india, so be it. India just lost its bargaining power.... Just a week...
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