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  1. F

    Sri Lanka Economy Shines as India and Pakistan Lag

    I have to admit that I am impressed by the development of Sri Lanka. But I am not surprised that Sri Lanka is doing much better than countries like Afghanistan, Pakistan and Bangladesh. By the way does whole Sri Lanka look like Colombo of this video?
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    Mughal’s Rajput policy vs Afghan policy

    Its not surprising that Pakistan lost all wars against India. Pakistan was throughout its history mostly under foreign rule and was never able to produce any great Dynasties or warriors. Its obvious why Pakistan lost all wars against a country like India which produced some of the greatest...
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    Mughal’s Rajput policy vs Afghan policy

    He is actually right. Throughout the history of South Asia modern Pakistan and particularly the Punjab was the weakest part of South Asia as it was mostly under foreign rule. During ancient period parts of Afghanistan and Pakistan was conquered by the Persian Achaemid Dynasty but the Persians...
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    South Asia a Major Power

    Lol. Thats a good joke. The Rajputs were not outsiders. The Rashtrakuta Empire was a major power as they ruled the major part of South Asia for 200 years. The Maratha Empire was not destroyed by the Durranis as the Marathas recovered after the battle of panipat and reconquered the major part of...
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    South Asia a Major Power

    Lol thats a good joke. The Maurya Empire ruled the major part of South Asia and was a major power. The Mauryan kings even defeated the Greeks of the Seleucid Empire who ruled whole Persia and Central Asia. The Gupta Empire was a cultural and economic power. Some of the greatest mathematicians...
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    South Asia a Major Power

    South Asia was one of the main powers of the world during ancient and medieval period. South Asia was a major power during ancient period under the rule of the Maurya Empire, Gupta Empire and Kushan Empire. During the medieval period parts of South Asia was a major power under the rule of the...
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    Will Mars mission propel India ahead of China in space race?

    The fact that the north Indian Emperor Harsha called himself "Lord of the North" and the south Indian Emperor Pulakesi II called himself "Lord of the South" in the 7th century means that both rulers considered their territories as part of one country called Bharat. Even ancient and medieval...
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    Will Mars mission propel India ahead of China in space race?

    This is not true. During ancient period the Indians used the term Bharat to describe India. The ancient and medieval Indians of north and south india considered themselves as part of one civilization. The ancient Indians used the term Mleccha (Barbarian) to describe foreigners. In the 7th...
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    Will Mars mission propel India ahead of China in space race?

    Lets be honest. The Chinese Elite and the Indian Elite have the ambition to become a superpower and to reestablish their glorious ancient past. Both countries were superpowers during ancient and medieval period and the elite of both countries think that they are the successors of the ancient...
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    India launches spacecraft to Mars

    Congratulation India You made our great ancestors proud.
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    The most powerful regions of ancient and medieval South Asia

    Throughout the history of South Asia there were a lot of great Dynasties which originated in different parts of South Asia and which dominated the major parts of South Asia. But which states were the most powerful of South Asia during ancient and medieval period? The recorded history of South...
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