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  1. centerland

    Happy birthday to CCP

    When you key in these words, what do you think at this moment? Dont kid, it's not funny.
  2. centerland

    Happy birthday to CCP

    I believe that one day CCP will learn from their big brother-KMT again-to return the rights to their people and make China a democracy.
  3. centerland

    History of Tibet

  4. centerland

    Happy birthday to CCP

    I told you so many times, In 1949 China ranked 100th in terms of GDP per capita and now we rank 98th. so we are close to Congo.哈哈
  5. centerland

    History of Tibet

    粪青的特点: 1.爱国,打双引号的 2.无知 3.轻身
  6. centerland

    Chinese people must see: the six-minute film shocked China

    It's not right to educate the people to hate others.
  7. centerland

    History of Tibet

    Nation Father's speech. Dont loose your so-called faces. Study your history.
  8. centerland

    Chinese people must see: the six-minute film shocked China

    Conspiracy theory rised again.
  9. centerland

    Happy birthday to CCP

    If there is no CCP, China should be a developed country. Mao used the bomb to protect the chair under his but not the nation.
  10. centerland

    Happy birthday to CCP

    原子弹不如茶叶蛋!Nuclear bomb is not worth of a tea-egg
  11. centerland

    History of Tibet

  12. centerland

    History of Tibet

    Comparing VN with Tibet, I think VN's being a proivince of China is more reasonable than Tibet's being.
  13. centerland

    History of Tibet

    Everyone should be equal in China. Han Chinese is the official language of China, Tibtens should not be an exemption. What the minority problem for Chinese is we give too much privilege to them. Can you imagine that In the USA, Latin Americans apply the university by using Spanish not Engilish?
  14. centerland

    History of Tibet

    What the problem about the Tibet now is the CCP is so soft to them. Try everything to satisfy them, but get the Hans killed by them.
  15. centerland

    Happy birthday to CCP

    Haha,a crazy dog is shouting at its most to defend its master. But as to the responsibility of a dog, you are qualified and professional. I dont agree with your viewpont, but i respect your professonalism.
  16. centerland

    Happy birthday to CCP

    Seen what you guys posted, I have the intellectual superiority.Hehe
  17. centerland

    Happy birthday to CCP

  18. centerland

    History of Tibet

    I think the only menthod to solve this problem is to do what the Americans did to the local indians and what the Japanese did to the RYUKYU--assimilation
  19. centerland

    Happy birthday to CCP

  20. centerland

    Happy birthday to CCP

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