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  1. C

    Thank Pakistan for your donation!

    Dear All Pakistani, I will not say 'thanks', because the word can not express my feeling! I want to tell a truth to u: In Chinese forums, somebody can scold some countries. But nobody dare scold Pakistan, if a guy does this, he/she will be scolded all Chinese. Because...
  2. C

    a pic in chinese military bbs which i have been deeply moved

    Dear U-571, the adress is : //military.club.china.com/data/thread/1011/2027/97/02/8_1.html if you can not understand those replies in Chinese:) please notice the vote image. now, I can see the vote: Agree ---393 Oppose---0 All Chinese people are deeply moved by all...
  3. C

    China experts identify gene for yield, height in rice

    Pakistan is the real friend of China. thanks
  4. C

    Chinese President Hu Jintao visits Pakistan medical team in quake zone

    ONLY ONE SENTENCE: THANKS TO ALL PAKISTANI PEOPLE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! A CHINESE STUDENT FROM SHANGHAI
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